Swear to The Gods

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Nico was tired. Why you might ask? Well he just woke up in a fucking weird hospital room which was filled with electronics and technology which was disappointing for many reasons.

One of those being because the bed he was sat on was similar to a brick and overall had a peice of paper as a blanket.

"You're sick " stated Batman

"No shit. You want a medal or something Einstein?"

He sighed as he realised what a headache it would be with all these amateurs not leaving him alone.

"Can I go yet?" This entire situation was a joke but he's just going to blame everything on Percy like everyone always does. That kid seriously needs therapy.

"Sorry buster but you're not going anywhere we have questions." Came the mediocre reply from the boy scout.

Did this guy not a fashion sense? Then again he was from space who knew that weird stuff went on out there like for all he knew there could be another world filled with respectable gods.

A chuckle came from his mouth that raised the attention of the others in the room. Yeah as if the only good gods were the dead ones.

"Good luck getting anything out if me"

_______________ 2 hours later ____________

Yeah he was definitely winning this battle. The only one left was batman as the rest gave up but were still in the room even with the lasso of truth they couldn't get an answer and it was so amusing watching the sheer shock on their faces.

"One last time now. Who are you?" Jeez this dude sounded so lame.

"Your mom" Came the sly response.

Nico had such a smile on his face and he stared into the eyes of the bat.

"I'm surprised he hasn't killed the kid yet or thrown him ourside in space to let him die" this came from green lantern who was watching from the background.

Nicos smile grew more "What like he did with Jason?" This made the room quiet before they all stormed out after the bat who left in a rush most likely from rage instead of sorrow.

You may be wondering how Nico knew about Jason. Well Nico can communicate with the dead when he wants and let's say Jason was very helpful when he died and wouldn't shut up about heros.

It didn't help that Hades ranted about the heros and reveal their identities to Nico on the regular.( This was due to the fact they stopped alot of his plots without even realising.)

After a few moments the League came back with more stern looks on their faves than before. Guess he set them off. Oh well not like they can do anything anyway.

"What do you want?" Oh wow Wonder Woman he forgot she existed for a bit.

Well he was still hungry and he craved a good burger considering he was living off of soup for the past few days.

"Get me 3 happy meals then we can talk"

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