Chapter 27

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Before I could even open my eyes, I felt my heart rate begin to race. As soon as I was fully awake, I shot out of the bed I was in, relieved that the throbbing in my head was less intrusive now then it had been before. Looking at my surroundings, I noticed that some of the beds in the room were still occupied and I sighed when I saw that there was no one around who would try and drug me again. I seriously wasn't in the mood for that.

I felt the anger rise up, but I forced it down so that I could think clearly. I still felt terrible but it was much more tolerable than it had long has it been? At this point, I had no idea what day it was or how long I've been out. I can't even imagine what everyone outside of this crazy situation must be thinking. Did I even have a job still? Were my family friends worried? Ugh, thinking only made my head hurt.

I closed my eyes to focus my attention. Immediately, my thoughts zeroed in on Gabriel. Nadia's mother had looked so guilty when I'd asked her about him earlier. All the memories were coming back to me and I felt a heavy pressure come down on my chest. What happened after the fight? How had it ended?

Since I had no way to answer that question for myself, I decided to go and find out. This time, no one was coming anywhere near me with a needle. The pain in my head had subsided enough that I didn't feel like my stomach was ready to give out on me and I had enough energy to stand up for myself now.

Being careful to stand up slowly, just in case I was overestimating myself, I was relieved to find that the pain in my head didn't grow. With slow and cautious steps, I made my way to the door,  checking the beds as I passed. I recognized a few faces, but others were so swollen and discolored with bruises that I could only decifer their sex, and some I even had to guess that. I stopped dead in my tracks when I came to the last bed in the row.

Taran lay there, his breathing regular but his face sporting the bruises I'd seen on him last. I rushed over and kneeled at his side. Taking my hand, I brushed the hair off his forehead and leaned in to him.

"Taran? Can you hear me?" I whispered to him. A part of me felt terrible about disturbing him since I knew he'd been through a lot and required his rest, but I needed to be reassured that he was okay and I was hoping he knew something about Gabriel. I had a feeling that there were more than a few wardens running around this house, so I'd rather know just where I was going before I left the room.

I gently nudged his shoulder and tried again. "Taran, please talk to me. Please wake up." He groaned softy and I saw his eyes flicker open. I gave him a warm smile and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. When I pulled back, I saw that he was returning my smile, although his was a bit more worn then mine.

"Cassia." He sounded weak, and understandably so.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Instead of responding, he just gave me another smile. "Taran, what happened in that room? What happened after I attacked Walker? Where's Gabriel?" I realized that I was throwing way too many questions at him, but I couldn't help it. I was so confused and I just wanted answers. Taran was the only other person that had been in that room with me who I'd found so far.

"Sorry. I know you're weak and you need your rest, but do you know where Gabriel is? When I woke earlier, no one would tell me a thing. They drugged me so I would rest. I know they're hiding something."

Taran's eyes looked sad. "I don't know. I blacked out just as you were headed towards Walker, I'm sorry," he rasped. My heart sank. I'd so hoped that Taran knew something.

I put my hand on his cheek and gave him a reassuring smile. "It's fine. I'll just have to find out what's going on for myself. You rest and I'll come see you a little later." He gave the tiniest nod of his head and closed his eyes. It didn't take long before the even rise and fall of his chest told me he had gone back to sleep.

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