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Dreams are an escape. They take you away from the struggles and worry of the real world and plunge you into a fantasy that lasts until the moment you open your eyes. It doesn't matter what you dream because it won't last. It doesn't matter if your dream becomes a nightmare, inciting terror within you, because those nightmares will fade away. None of it is real. I have to keep telling myself that.

I rarely remember my dreams. The ones I do recall are those that I'd rather forget. They offer me no satisfaction but, rather, amplify the uncertainty I feel when awake. It's my daydreams that I love.

My imagination is boundless and those daydreams are my retreat from the world around me. I weave intricate tales of fiction and fantasy, with just a dose of reality thrown in for good measure. Sometimes, I feel as if the fiction I create in my head is more fulfilling than my reality. I invent a life filled with the love, happiness, fear, excitment, and adventure that I lack.

School, work, family, and friends don't seem to bring me any sense of wonder. I know there are people who love me dearly, but where is that one person who loves me first, above all others? What can I say? I'm a twenty-four year old female who is surrounded by people who seem to be getting engaged and married left and right. To say that it's beginning to grate on my nerves is an understatement.

My life bores me immensely. The problem is, I don't really know how to change it. How do I begin to bring some of my fantasies to life? My shy personality keeps me from putting myself out there and meeting new and interesting people. I crave adventure and love in my life but can't seem to figure out how to find it.

But I didn't need to worry about that. Soon, all that excitment and adventure that I so desperately wanted for myself would leap from the confines of my fantasies and into my reality. I had no idea what awaited me and I think that I may have gotten more than I baragined for. Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.

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