Chapter 24

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After I'd gotten Gabriel's message and the initial relief had passed, Walker's words came back to haunt me. Gabriel was coming to save me, Taran, and Claire. Now the entire pack was going to be at risk because I had wanted to stretch my legs. Since I was basically stuck here, I decided to let myself fall apart for a few minutes.

Instantly, the tears began to come in full force and I let them roll down the side of my face and into my hair. It seemed like all I did was cause trouble for these people. My intention was to finally bring some hope for them and look at me? Because I had been selfish, people I cared about might very well die. Gentle sobs wracked my body, demonstrating the only control I had at the moment. No way would I let Walker hear me break down. That would only make him happy and I really didn't want that.

When the tears began to die down, my mind went back to working overtime. I wasn't stupid. I knew that Walker wouldn't just leave me here without taking some kind of precaution. There was no way getting out of here would be easy. My best bet was to bide my time until someone got here and then I could act. If that someone happened to be on my side, all the better. If not, then I would need to think of something in order to get the upper hand. The question was, what could possibly be on my side in a battle against a werewolf?

I felt like Little Red Riding Hood when she was faced with the Big Bad Wolf. Sure, he died in the end, but Red had to be eaten and rescued first. Getting eaten did not sound appealing to me in the slightest, so I was back to square one. There was nothing to it, I guess. I'd just have to wing it when the time came. Hey, you never know. The odds may be against me, but stranger things have happened.

Looking around the room, I couldn't see anything that I could pick up and use as a weapon. Figures Walker would think of that. Besides, even if I did get a shot in, it's not like I could get very far before the damn thing came to again. Somehow, a seriously pissed and injured werewolf just didn't have a pleasant ring to it. They'd likely be out for my blood if it hadn't already been before hand, anyway. That didn't sound fun.

I sat up and slowly eased off the bed, deciding that I had too much energy coursing through my body to manage sitting still at the moment. Instead, I chose to pace the room while thinking about what might happen when Gabriel and the other Light Shadows arrived. I knew that there would be a battle and it wouldn't be pretty. This is what Walker had been waiting for and this is what Gabriel had been planning. Okay, that second part may not be entirely true.

Gabriel had been contriving some sort of battle tactic with his generals, but he just hadn't mentioned it to me. All I knew was that it hadn't been planned for that day and it definitely wasn't supposed to involve me in any way. Welp, even the most well laid plans can fall to pieces and this was a prime example.

As I paced back and forth, stewing in my thoughts, I heard loud thumping noises come from outside the door. Based on how faint they were, I was guessing they weren't all that close, but I knew they meant only one thing; Gabriel and the pack had arrived.

I felt my breath catch in my throat and I started to panic a bit. This wasn't some T.V. show or movie, where the lives that were depicted on the screen weren't real. When they died, they didn't actually die. They were just actors. Never once had I thought that I would be in the middle of serious blood shed, but I knew I was only minutes from being thrown into it. When I'd witnessed the murders at the house, that had been different.

What happened at the house was a random attack. There weren't very many people involved and the pack had been defending themselves. Even more obvious was that I hadn't been directly involved. This time, however, I had even caused it. See how far I've come?

The thumping got louder and I began to hear crashing sounds mixed in with snarls, screams,and whimpers. It was killing me to listen to it, so I rushed over to the door and tried the handle. Damn! The thing was locked. Hmm. I ran around the room, checking every drawer and surface, desperately trying to locate something that would allow me to pick the lock. I honestly don't even know why I bothered. I doubted I would have the slightest chance of succeeding since I didn't know much about picking a lock anyway.

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