Chapter 15

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I woke with a jolt and took in my surroundings. It was completely dark and I realized that I had fallen asleep in the study whilst reaching my decision. Due to the lack of light, there was no way for me to tell what time it was. I slowly got to my feet and cautiously made my way over to the door. I didn't want to trip over something or stub my toe if I could help it. When I finally reached the other side, I opened the door and walked out.

The hall was even darker than the study had been, so I felt my way along the wall until my eyes could adjust a little bit. Eventually, it got a bit easier to see so I headed towards the staircase. Just as I reached the bottom of the steps, I heard a noise coming from somewhere behind me.

You know those sounds that you can just tell aren't right? You hear them and you just know it isn't going to be good? Well, that's what this one did to me. Everything should have been fine and I shouldn't be thinking that because this was Gabriel's house. I knew it was protected. But, in spite of all that, I could feel that something was off and I had no idea what to do about it.

I was paralyzed with fear and indecision. I wasn't sure if I should go find Gabriel right away or investigate first, just to be sure I wasn't imagining things. But what if there really was something wrong? I doubted it would be something I could handle and, if I went to look by myself and got caught...well, let's just say it probably wouldn't end too well for me. With my mind made up, I hurried up the steps as quietly as I could and made my way to Gabriel's bedroom. How did I know where it was, you ask? I have my ways. You didn't think I wouldn't figure out something that important, did you?

The second I found his door, I opened it quietly and quickly shuffled over to the bed. The second I stepped up to it, I found myself on my back with Gabriel on top of me, restraining my hands above my head. Okay. Not really the welcome I'd been expecting.

"Um, I promise I won't kill you?" I squeaked.

"Cassia?" His voice was skeptical.


"What the hell are you doing? I could have hurt you!"

"I'm sorry but it was really important. I think something is wrong. I heard a noise downstairs and it didn't feel right."

"That's not possible."

"Gabriel, please listen. I wouldn't be here if I didn't truly believe something bad was going on. Please," I begged. I could feel it in my bones and he had to believe me.

I felt him hesitate before moving to climb off me. He held out his hand to help me up. "Some of the pack decided to stay the night here. I'll go find a few of them and check it out. Will that make you feel better?" You could tell he was only doing it to appease me, but who cares? I knew something was wrong so whatever got him off his ass to check it out was fine by me.

I nodded my head.

"Fine. You stay here and I'll be back soon," he said, and then walked out, shutting the door behind him. I was so nervous, I found myself pacing around his room for the next five minutes.

Out of nowhere, I heard shouts, growls, and loud thumping noises coming from downstairs. I knew there was something bad going on! From the sounds of things, there was a serious fight in progress. I stood there, not knowing whether I should stay put or check to see what was going on. Oh, I knew whatever it was, was dangerous, but I couldn't just stand idly by while people I cared about could be getting hurt. I had to go downstairs.

With a determined nod of my head, I walked out of Gabriel's room and made my way to the staircase. The closer I got, the louder the noises became and I could tell that, whoever was fighting, must have been in full wolf form because all you could hear were the growls and snarling of animals. The fear I felt now was nothing compared to when Jacob and Andrew had broken into my apartment a week ago. Now I knew exactly what I was dealing with and just how dangerous it was and I had to fight to keep myself from running away to hide like a little baby. If I chose to stay with Gabriel, I would have to come to terms with things like this and running away would not be the answer.

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