Chapter 44

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'....A double-decker bus caught fire after colliding with a truck on one of Thailand's busiest highways this Thursday afternoon, killing 19 people and injuring 23 others. A black car also caught fire, the driver and passenger died on the spot. The bus bound for Bangkok was on the Mitraphab highway in Kaeng Khoi district, Saraburi province, Central Thailand. The bus departed from the northeastern province of Roi Et on Wednesday evening...'

Several people in the waiting queue watched the news with shocked expressions. They looked at the burnt-out bus with wide eyes. While the other footsteps did not pay full attention to the latest news, the nurses and other patients just passed the news to more important treatment.

Just like the beautiful doctor-to-be, her ears weren't even focused on any sound other than waiting for the cell phone to ring this time. Freen hasn't contacted her since earlier, now it's late afternoon, Freen hasn't sent her a message and the cellphone can't be contacted, always out of reach.

Becca is still trying to contact her lover, maybe she has called her hundreds of times, but she can't reach Freen. Now, her footsteps seemed to be used to climbing the hospital stairs, her eyes were still focused on the cellphone screen and yes, she sent a message, 'Don't be like this, do you have a grudge against me because I didn't answer your call that night? Now you want to make me worry? Honey, please turn on your cell phone.' The message only ticked one, and also, not knowing how many messages she had sent, Becca didn't care about being too obsessive, because now she really needed her lover's voice or just a short message that Freen was okay.

Not yet completely finished climbing the stairs, Becca saw a pair of feet in quite luxurious black high heels stop in front of her. She immediately put the cell phone away, and she looked down without having to see the doctor's expression. Finally, Becca heard a sigh and the voice of the doctor who frequently scolded her, "Are all interns often like this? I saw you just playing on your phone earlier, you didn't even hear me calling you earlier."

I don't know why, it seems like Doctor Aom is having a bit of a problem with her life. About her marrying a woman, it seems this senior doctor is a little sensitive towards her. At karaoke that night, Doctor Aom was no longer very friendly with her.

The look on Becca's face looked like I was a model intern, nodding and apologizing for her behavior. Even though she didn't really care about those harsh words, Becca's mind was still saying, Freen! Contact me! But luckily none of these senior doctors knew what was on her mind, if they did, wow. They would definitely be offended by the abandonment of that scolding in Becca's mind.

Clucking in annoyance, Doctor Aom said as she turned around and walked towards her room, "Explain to me how to treat a patient named Mieh?" As usual, even though this doctor was curt, she still checked the apprentices' knowledge.

Becca followed this senior doctor when examining Mieh previously, she was an appendicitis patient. Judging from the various examinations that the patient has undergone, Becca should know how to treat this. But what can I do, the prospective doctor just sighed and said as she followed Doctor Aom into her office, "Surgery, Doc." Short.

Suddenly Doctor Aom, who was already annoyed, became even more annoyed. She turned around and looked at Becca as if even a baby knew that surgery was being treated. Now the doctor shook her head when she saw Becca's innocent expression when she answered that short answer. A sigh was heard, Doctor Aom finally entered her office.

Becca? Yes, follow.Sshe entered, and felt ready to be scolded.

But not. Doctor Aom instead gave the patient's X-ray results. She sat up and said, "Pay attention, what is that?"

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