As you wish.

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rvd x marvel

The cup chinked against the saucer as Toni set it carefully on Cheryl Blossom's large desk, her heart rattling. Cheryl Blossom was sitting in front of her, writing fast notes and glancing back and forth at a huge stack of yellowing papers, red hair falling in her face; she didn't look up. They'd told Toni she wouldn't. That she would taste the tea first before she'd even look at who'd brought it. And then, she'd only look up to tell you what was wrong with it.

The first part of this pronouncement turned out to be quite correct. Cheryl Blossom lifted the cup with her perfectly manicured hand and took a sip of the tea that Toni had made so, so carefully, then, she set down the cup and, finally looked up. She looked younger than she did in photographs, her face slighter and her skin more luminous. She had more softness to her than Toni had expected. She wore no jacket, just a white blouse with pearl buttons, a smudge of ink on one of the cuffs. The room was dark apart from Cheryl's desk lamp, and in the light from it, Cheryl's blouse was very slightly sheer. Toni tried not to look.

Cheryl's lips were so red.

Cheryl Blossom watched Toni as she took a second sip of her tea and then she said, "I believe this is the best tea I've had in a while."
Toni dropped Cheryl Blossom's gaze and looked down at her own cheap brown shoes. She took a breath, before she looked up again and said, "When they heard the accent, they said I should give it a try. Your tea. Apparently no one can please you, ma'am."

Cheryl raised her chin. "That so?" But she took another sip of the tea. "Perhaps that statement ought to be revised. What's your name, darling?"
"Toni Pevensie," said Toni.

"Toni." Cheryl said it slowly, looking right at Toni's brown tweed skirt and bare legs. Toni wore no make up. "Where are you from, Toni?"

Toni shrugged. "Riverdale, I guess, ma'am. A few places. I was evacuated for a while. Quite a long while. In the end."

"I see," said Cheryl and she wrote something absently on her paper, almost as if she was just finishing something off. There was a small tray of candies on Cheryl's desk. Toni had tried to avoid looking at them, but somehow she hadn't quite managed. Cheryl must have spotted her staring, because she said, "Would you...?" and proffered the tray. "Would you like a sweet, Toni? A small reward for your diligence?"
"Oh, I can't, really. I shouldn't." But Toni was staring at the hard candies wrapped in cellophane, couldn't stop looking. She wanted one so much her mouth was wet with it. It was cold and dark outside, but Cheryl's window was open a small crack. Outside a car horn blared on the street, floors and floors below.

Cheryl smiled. "Rationing does rather stay with one, doesn't it?" She took one of the candies herself and spun the cellophane in her fingers, the wrapping unspooling. The light from the lamp on her desk bounced on the dark red sweet as it spun and glittered. "I think there was a time during the war," said Cheryl, pulling the cellophane away, "when I might have sold my entire family for a taste of something sweet."

Toni swallowed. "Well I didn't do that, at least," she said, softly.
"No?" Cheryl popped the candy into her mouth. Toni watched the red, wet sweet against Cheryl Blossom's red, wet lips. She was leaning forward a little. The pearl buttons on her blouse pulled slightly. Toni could see the shape of her tits through the slight sheerness. Cheryl flickered her tongue over the candy as she held it, then closed her lips and pulled her fingers away. "You didn't do that?" she said, the candy clicking against her teeth. "Then what did you do? Something else terrible? Have you been awfully bad, Toni? Too bad to be allowed a sweetie?"
Toni looked down, didn't reply. This was not a question she knew how to begin to answer. She said nothing and the room seemed very, very quiet.
"Do you need to bend over my desk, Toni?" said Cheryl.
Toni's head shot up. "What?" she said, leaving her mouth open.
Cheryl leant forward further, blouse buttons pulling tighter. The sweet clicked against her teeth. "Oh, I rather think you heard me."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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