Redhead teacher [pt.3]

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It was fifth bell, Cheryl had plan period and she was still grading packets. Another teacher needed her room so she was in her office across the hall. A knock at the door pulls her away from the papers. She opens the door and none other than Antoinette Topaz was standing at her door with a sultry smile. Cheryl's breath catches in her throat.


Toni smiles wider and looks past her teacher into the office then back to Cheryl.

"Can I come in?"

Cheryl simply steps back, not trusting herself, to say anything, and lets Toni inside. She shuts the door and leans against it facing Toni. Toni sets down her bag and tilts her head to the side.

"Have you thought about yesterday?"

Cheryl's heart rate escalates and she looks up to Toni.

"It was a mistake, Toni."

She sees Toni's face fall in disappointment and look away from her. Before she knows it more words are coming out of her mouth.

"But that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it."

Toni snaps her head up to Cheryl with bright eyes. Cheryl recognizes lust in her eyes and she's positive she has the same glint in her eyes but she can't help but rake her eyes down Toni's body. She looked so hot in her uniform. Toni takes a step forward and licks her lips.

"So you did think about it?"

Cheryl had no idea how to stop this or the fire between her legs. Her blood was racing through her veins and her palms itched to touch Toni again.

"Y-Yes. Did you?"

Cheryl swallows and presses her palms to the door. How was she becoming her student's prey? Toni takes another step closer and if she took another step they would be pressed together.


She takes a smaller step forward and slowly raises a hand to Cheryl's stomach. Cheryls breathing becomes heavier.

"Can I tell you a secret?"

Toni mock whispers. Cheryl mindlessly nods her head, staring into Toni's brown eyes. Toni presses her palm against Cheryl's red blouse and leans forward, her lips level with Cheryl's ear.

"I touched myself thinking about you."

The gasp Toni hears in her ear makes her smile and she brushes her lips against Cheryl's jaw as she flexes her fingers against her stomach. Cheryl gasped as the image of a completely naked Toni laying on a bed with one hand between her legs, the other gripping the bed sheets and her back arched pops into her head. Oh god. The fire between her legs was definitely growing.

"I touched myself thinking about your hands on my ass and your lips pressed against mine."

Cheryl whimpers and that was enough for Toni. Toni reaches up with the hand from Cheryl's stomach and cups Cheryl's cheek. She pulls Cheryl into a kiss. Cheryl moans and kisses Toni back. Toni brings her hands up to Cheryl hair and buries her fingers in the soft red locks. Cheryl finally moves her hands from the door and grabs Toni's hips. Toni presses her body fully against Cheryl's which elicits a soft moan from the woman in front of her. Cheryl blindly reaches behind her and locks the door before moving off it and stumbling with Toni over to her desk.

Toni takes the upper hand and spins so the back of Cheryl's legs hit the desk. Books tumble off her desk but neither of them cares. Cheryl moans and reaches down past Toni's skirt and slips her hands under the cotton material. She cups Toni's firm ass and gives it a rough squeeze, delighted to feel her wearing another thong. Toni squeals and smiles into the kiss. Cheryl takes the opportunity to thrust her tongue into Toni's mouth, making the teen moan loudly. Toni's hands wander down to Cheryl's chest and cups her teacher's breasts through the blouse. Cheryl moans and breaks the kiss. Toni frowns, thinking the same thing happened now like it did yesterday.

Cheryl catches her breath and moves her fingers to Toni's buttons on her shirt. Toni finally gets the hint and both of them work to unbutton the other's shirt. Toni gets Cheryl's shirt unbuttoned first and she pulls the blouse out of her teacher's skirt. Cheryl had picked out a red lacy bra to go with her outfit today and Toni wondered if her saucy teacher had matching panties to go with. Cheryl finally unbuttons Toni's shirt and pulls the shirt out of Toni's small school skirt.

Cheryl lets out a growl at the pale pink bra Toni was wearing and puts a hand on the small of her back to push her student towards her. Toni stumbles into Cheryl's body and both of them moan when their skin touches. The ache between Cheryl's legs was becoming almost painful she needed release so bad. She spins them around and picks up Toni by her thighs. Toni let's out a small gasp of surprise then Cheryl sets her down on her desk. Cheryl moves her mouth to Toni's neck as her hands trail up her stomach to cup the girl's breasts. Toni moans and lets's her head fall back on her shoulders.


Toni whispers and moves her hands to her teacher's breasts. Both women moan and Cheryl steps in between Toni's spread legs, her own legs banging against the desk. There is a loud thump of books falling to the ground but neither of them cares, again. Toni reaches for Cheryl's shoulders and pulls down her blouse. Cheryl flings it to the side and pulls down Toni's cotton white school shirt all while her lips are pressing firm hot kisses to Toni's neck. Suddenly there's a knock on the door and they freeze.

"Ms. Blossom, are you alright in there?"

Cheryl gasps. It was the teacher next door. Cheryl pulls away from Toni and looks for her shirt.

"Uh, yes! Yes, Mr. Haggly! A few of my uh, books fell. That's all."

Toni pulls on her shirt and quickly buttons it up, as does Cheryl.

"Do you want some help?"

He offers nicely. Cheryl quickly tucks in her buttoned shirt and fixes her hair. She opens the door a peeks her head out before standing in front of the door with a sweet smile.

"I just have a clumsy student in there. She keeps knocking over my books."

Toni hears her cover up and stifles a laugh. An idea pops into her head and she moves away from the door. Cheryl laughs and Mr. Haggly joins in.

"I've had a few of those. Good luck."

Cheryl smiles and waves as he walks down the hallway. She slides back in the room and closes the door. She turns around and lets out a breath and closes her eyes as she leans against the door. Her heart finally seems to settle down when Toni pipes up again.

"Ms. B?"

Cheryl opens her eyes and raises her eyebrows and drops her jaw at the sight of Toni still on her desk with her shirt open and skirt hiked up higher on her thighs. Toni smiles and leans back on one hand.

"Would you like to continue?"

Cheryl closes her mouth and silently nods her head, the fire quickly reinstated in between her thighs. She walks to Toni and puts her hands on her thighs. Toni leans back on her other hand, silently offering herself to Cheryl. Cheryl leans forward and right when her lips are centimeters away from Toni's, the bell rings. Toni grits her teeth and groans, making Cheryl chuckle softly.

"You have to go. I have a class to teach and you have to go to class."

Cheryl whispers against Toni's lips before pulling away and starting to button the girl's shirt because she knows she won't do it herself.

"Fine. I'll see you in 7th bell."

Toni huffs as she jumps off the desk. She grabs her bag and starts to walk to the door before turning back to Cheryl. Toni wraps her arm around Lauren's waist and pulls her to her and kisses her firmly on the lips. Cheryl moans in surprise and kisses Toni back. When Toni pulls away they are both panting softly.  looks at Toni surprised and T gives her a smile.

"I wanted to give you something to think about when you teach your 6th bell."

Toni pulls away and leaves the room with her trademark wink. Cheryl licks her lips and smiles as her fingertips brush over her lips. Cheryl shakes her head free of the memories as the bell signaling the start of 6th-period rings. She crosses the hall into her classroom. She collects the packets she passed out yesterday and hands out a new paper and teaches them through a couple of the questions. She lets them work on it for the rest of the class and doesn't assign it as homework when the bell rings.



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