Chapter 13

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Pearl's POV...

As I thought about the horrible feeling, it got worse, and finally I couldn't take it, I took a deep breath and said to my sister, "Rose, I have a bad feeling." And without asking any questions or even thinking about it she said, "Me too..."

I looked at her and asked, "What's yours about?" She sighed, "...about Garnet and her sister...I'm very worried about them..."

"Me too..." It was silent after I said that, but I didn't have anything else to say. She asked, "Yours is about the same thing isn't it?" I nodded my head slowly, and turned toward the window, and once again silence.

I turned to Rose again and saw a small frown instead of her usual smile, I frowned as well and asked softly, "...What about mom...?" I heard another sigh and a quiet answer, "I don't know, Pearl...I honestly don't..."

The rest of the ride was silent, but the feeling continued to worsen...

Garnet's POV...

I smiled as I lined the little plush toys up on my dresser. Amethyst bought them for me; one was a little purple cat with big violet eyes (it reminded so much of Amy), the other was a little light blue horse with white, wispy hair and golden eyes, the third one was a little antique-looking lamb with off-white fur, brown "hooves" and a cute little bow that was placed in the middle of it's neck (the bow was brown as well). I smiled at the adorable stuffed animals, Hmm, perhaps I'll cherish these little guys til I have my own kids. I grinned at that thought, I'd definately treat my children well, and my wife.

My wandered on the future for a while, thinking of who my wife would be, or what my children would look (I'm planning on having at least 2) and just things like that. This particular subject never really entered my mind often, but now it wasn't leaving! Maybe this is a little taste of what life could be if I didn't have to worry about a physco path of a father.

I felt my phone vibrate, I picked it up and saw it was Pearl, I smiled again and read the text:

Garnet...we need to talk asap... Pearl (6:34 pm)

I felt my stomach drop, I replied;

Okay? Is everything alright, love?

It took a few minutes but she finally replied:

No. I just think you and Amy better stay at my house tonight, please? My mother's on a business trip so it's just Rose and I. But I have a really bad feeling, Garnet and I'd feel better if you were here... Pearl (6:40 pm)

I sighed and said okay, I could feel a bad feeling coming too, and not long after that, my phone started ringing and it was my mother. I answered it quickly, "Hello?"

"Garnet, get Amethyst and go! Please no questions! Find one of your friends or try to get to your grandmother, but hurry!"

And she hung up, I ran into Amethyst's room and saw her laying on her bed listening to the alarm clock radio I got for her last Christmas, I began to rush and then commanded, "Amethyst, let's go."


"Don't ask questions. We're going to Pearl's."

She didn't move, I began to get angered as I packed clothes for us, "Amy, come on!" She still didn't move. I lost my temper, "Goddammit, Amethyst, come on! Mom said we have to leave and that only happens when Dad is pissed! And do you really want to deal with that fucking bastard?!" I saw her flinch away from me when I reached for her, but at the moment I didn't care. We had to get out of there, in this situation (which only happened one other time) it meant my father wasn't going to stop if he started and only God knows what he could do... but thankfully, we have somewhere to go. The first time this happened, we were lucky enough that our grandmother was in her old house that was only a few blocks away, but now our only good option is Pearl.

I picked up Amethyst and bolted out of the house and down the street, once we were a safe distance away, I sat Amethyst down and apologized, "Amy...I'm sorry, but we had to go." Then I asked, "Why weren't you moving back there?"

"I don't feel welcomed at Pearl's...and I just didn't want to go..."

"Her mom's not there, it's just her and Rose." Amethyst didn't say anything after that and that really worried me. I took ahold of her hand and asked, "Would you rather go to Grandma's?" She gently shook her head, I stopped and kneeled down, "Amethyst, please, if you don't want to got to Pearl's tell me."

"She makes you happy so let's just go." She let go of my hand and started walking, I sighed and caught up with her saying, "Y'know I want you happy."

She smiled, "I like Rose, so I'm okay with being at Pearl's. Don't worry about it sis." She took my hand again and walked a little closer to me, I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close, "I love you, Ames."

"I love ya too, G."

We continued on to Pearl's and when we finally arrived, I knocked on the door. When it opened, Rose stood there with a worried look on her face, "Garnet?" She asked, "Are you and Amethyst alright?" I nodded, "Yeah. We're fine, um Rose, is it okay if Amy and I stay here tonight? I mean it's fine if you rather we not-" She caught me off with a giggle and, "Of course you two are welcomed to stay! Silly girls!" I sighed relieved and smiled, "Thank you so much!"

Rose then invited us in, I grinned when Rose asked Amethyst if she wanted to watch a movie and have some snacks, Amethyst looked so happy as if she was given a thousand dollars! But then again, movies and little things like that were rare in our family.

As Amy and Rose watched their movie I went upstairs to talk to Pearl, I kncked on the door twice and heard Pearl yell, "Come in!" I opened door and was bombarded by a hug. I smiled and hugged the small form, but my shirt began to feel damp, I pull away slowly and looked at her confused, "Pearl?"

"Sorry, I was worried..."

"It's okay, my love." She hugged me again, I sighed, "Pearl, we need to talk..."

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