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And then there is no longer a struggle. It is gone and the problem itself is gone. It's hands no longer claw for survival as it drops limply onto the floor.

Emilia heaves, her pleated dress stained in a scarlet red and her hands sticky with blood not hers.

The problem is gone.

She looks at her hand, at the rock she's holding, at the knife and at the skulls she's destroyed.

At the life she's destroyed.

Wilson is gone.

His skull dented inwards and the frontal lobe of his brain smashed into bits.

Wilson is gone.

His eyes hazy with tears , his nose bleeding and throat raw from screaming.

Wilson is gone.

There are droplets of water falling and it is not from the rain. It is a bright day ; his shirt darkening from the dollops of salty water.

Emilia feels her vision blur with tears.

What has she done?

Anger is raging, anger is chaotic but now there is no longer any anger. There is the aftermath. The silence. The wave of disgust and sickening guilt hits Emilia like a punch.

There is panic, there is dread, there is fear. What if they find out? What if people heard us? What about the cops?

I'm going to jail.

She feels herself tremble violently as she cups at the dead corpse. Mumbling frantic apologies as if that could heal the damage she's done.

I'm a teenager and I'm going to go to jail.

"Oh my god.ohmygod I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorryimsorry-" she weeps, shaking at him violently. No. No.

My life is ruined. And the perpetrator-

There is no response.

Is myself.

She wheezed, face dazed in panic- the next five minutes all she does is heave and think of any possible solution. What leaves no traces? How to cover this up? This mess?

This murder?

The phrase hits Emilia tenfold, today she woke up as a normal student with a bright future, tonight she will sleep as a murderer of a teenage boy.

What will my mother think? Ofcourse she never truly knew how to love Emilia, she was still her mother nevertheless.

What will my family think of me? Or did I have a family to begin with?


What will y/n think of me?

She imagines it, you're horrified expression, you would tremble just from looking at her -there would be cops Infront of you- as you watched her get shoved into a police car. Your eyes widened in fear, disgust, betrayal. Hand over your mouth while the other held onto another student for comfort.

No, Emilia could not have that. She would not allow that.

With a newfound determination -despite it vile and sickening- she shakily got up, heaving the dead body with her.

You either find out or you don't.

And Emilia will make sure you never do.


"What happened to him?" You questioned as she stood next you. He's been gone for the last  six days. There's been an investigation.

Emilia can't decide what she wants right now.

★ 𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝔁 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 -oneshots  ★Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant