Starting again should never be easy

Start from the beginning

Bandages were unwrapped from her back, gauze was taken off, causing some intense pain, and a groan of pain slipped out of her lips. Nurse Ann and Jack chuckled, “look who’s finally awake. You’ve been in comatose for a week.” Jack told the human, looking down towards her, wearing his usual, iconic dark blue painted mask, holes around his sockets where eyes should be, below his sockets, on the mask below the “eyes” black goo stained the painted surface

Freya felt embarrassed, but the pain was helping her from full-on humiliation. Sometimes, pain can be a good distraction after all. “ya…” was the only reply that came from her lips, her voice was hoarse, scratchy, fading in and out from both her mouth being so sandpaper dry and not using her vocal cords for an entire week

A deep hum left Jack’s lips, and Nurse Ann was quick to ask a question. “How do you feel, dear?” The older woman asked her, her tone light, soft, almost sounding endearing. It took Freya a solid moment to process her question before answering. They patiently waited in silence as Jack got into the med kit. Pulling out burn ointment, disinfectant, and whatever else he will need.

“In really bad pain, I feel exhausted, weak, numb, tingly, stiff, and my body feels heavy.” She lists slowly, Nurse Ann laughed lightly. “Having such bad wounds and being unconscious for a week will do that to anyone, even us.” Nurse Ann replied, Jack huffed and he put on the disinfectant first causing a shrill cry of pain to leave Freya’s lips, she quickly muffled her sounds of pain by pressing her face first into the pillow. Jack immediately stopped for a moment and looked towards her, “perhaps no warning was a bad idea?” He remarked, sounding rather clueless, and Nurse Ann sighed

“A warning and instruction probably would have done her better, yes.” Nurse Ann had some teasing yet sternness and seriousness in her tone of voice. Jack shrugged a bit before pouring more disinfectant onto her wound. She grit her teeth tightly, her hands gripping onto the bed sheets and her nails digging into the sheets. Muffled whimpers and pained groans slip from her lips, panting slightly, out of breath from the burning, stinging, her damaged skin literally hissing from the liquid

“The burn on your back reaches almost the entirety. It is a third-degree burn. You were lucky it was not a fourth-degree burn. The ones on your arms were just second degree, they may scar, but they may eventually clear up, unlike the one on your back.” Nurse Ann was quick to inform the red-headed young woman as she made her way over, heels slightly clicking against the tiled floor. Freya grimaced, holding in more pained noises from slipping out of her mouth as Jack carefully applied tons and layers of burn ointment unto her ruined skin

“Slenderman did what he could for you, he concentrated healing on your back, he regrew most of your skin, so the scarring won’t be as bad as it would have been…” Nurse Ann trailed off looking at her white, blackened, leathery, then yellow colored fat tissue can be seen as Jack carefully placed the ointment onto her burns, making sure to not apply pressure so he won’t cause more pain. It being exposed to the air and temperature change is what was really causing most of the agony and discomfort

However, a question did hang in the air for Freya. She opened her amber/golden eyes, and she instantly grimaced at the bright lighting. Nurse Ann noticed that she took out her phone, controlling the bright LED lights above them, and turned them down. “Finally, the brightness was starting to give me a headache.” Jack scoffed, letting his eyes adjust before getting out gauze, carefully placing the soft, fluffy material over her burnt skin on her back. “Apologies, some of us can’t see clearly, almost in complete darkness.” Nurse Ann was quick to sarcastically, but also half jokingly retort, Jack seemed to just ignore her

Freya’s cheek is pressed up against the pillow, she was really wants to get up, and her neck hurts so bad. Instead of a white nurses dress like typical old styled nurses wore, it was black and made out of cotton. It was long sleeved but had little hoops buttons around the cuff, and the top upper sleeve had buttons most likely to roll up and loop into place when needed. It dropped down over her knees, she wore black tights, and black heels, dark, long red hair is pulled back into a low ponytail, she has a black mask over her mouth and nose, then on her hands is black plastic gloves

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