ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳ ᵗʷᵒ

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"French Revolution."

"I can't believe you just said that to Mr. Anderson, what goes on through your head?" She asks slightly impressed

"Everything." I responded

"I like you new girl, I'm Jae and this is my friend Dylan, you should totally hang with us after school."

"To do what?" I eyed her

"Smoke, chill, break the rules-

"Break the rules?"

"Hell yea, Me and Dylan like to spray paint the school's bathroom and the walls just for fun." She said looking at another student paper continuously.

"Copying it down I see."

"Hell yea, I'm not doing this shit." She said

"He's just going to notice isn't he."

"And I'll just say that he copied me." She smirked

"Evil." I mumbled

"Kali." The teacher called

I turned my attention the handsome teacher who was staring at me from his desk.

"Pick up your pencil." He demanded

I looked at him confusingly doing what I was told.

"Start writing." He demanded

I scoffed in my seat, I heard chuckles coming from Jae herself.



"Shut up." I said

Mr. Anderson stood up from his desk slamming his fist down to get Kali and Jae's attention. "If you talk again I'll fail both of you." his voice sounding harsh.


Mr.Anderson ran his hand through his black hair while sighing. "Kali come here,"

"And bring your work."

I look at Jae who had her head down trying to hold her laughs, she wasn't slick. I grabbed my items and headed towards his desk.

He pulled up a chair close to him but not too close- leaving us some space. "Do your work here."

"I didn't even do anything."

"You didn't do anything? Hm? You was just talking disrupting my class." his jaw clenches

"Now pick up your pencil and start." He demanded

He was treating me like I was a child in fourth grade all over again- sitting in front of the classroom to do my work. What type of shit was this.

At this point-it had to be a race thing.

I sat there doing nothing, not listening to him, I didn't even pick up my pencil at all. I didn't like being told what to do especially if it's from someone showing aggression.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓 affair +18 [ BWWM] ongoingWhere stories live. Discover now