Chapter 5

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Slight warnings for past mentions of a horrible relationship and drowning. 

Translations (from Latin): 

-Immortale: Immortal

-Mater: Mother


After hearing from Harmony, the queen of the fairies, that she and her people were willing to help on their quest, arrangements began to be made.

Simon would bring the medallion to Harmony by tomorrow. Dalathu and Nadira would make their way to the next place they needed to visit while that was happening. Harmony had listed some of the ingredients needed for the water breathing enchantment spell and luckily many of the ingredients were already at the palace. Nadira and Dalathu would just need to collect a few more. Harmony would keep the medallion with her people for safe keeping.

Today was the 28th of January.

Three more days before their mission fails.

A storm began brewing in Nadiras stomach. The anxiety running through her veins turned her blood to ice. Three days before she loses her daughter forever. Failure is not an option.

Breakfast was eaten in tense silence, once again. Dalathu must have noticed how anxious the mother was and let her soothe herself in whichever way was the most comfortable way for her. If that meant silence the man was more than happy to provide that for her. 

Before the sun even rose in the sky, Dalathu and Nadira departed for the mountains behind the mansion.

Dalathu was able to sense Nadiras tension. She barely ate anything that wouldn't sustain her for the trip for breakfast this morning which rang some alarm bells in the older man's brain but he figured she knew what she needed to stay safe for the trip. She normally doesn't speak much unless spoken to but today it felt particularly bad.

In his heart, he knew why she was tense. Her daughter, Marina, he learned was her name, was precious to her. Her pride and joy. Her reason for being. And in a way he understood. He has no children of his own yet he has his own reasons for being. Even though for as long as he has been alive, he shouldn't have much of one. He's seen a lot of horrors in his life that shouldn't be experienced by one man alone. 

Dalathu pondered on his secret as he walked.

Dalathu is immortal, in a way. He has been around for centuries. He's seen ages turn, continents form and break apart. He has seen creatures evolve and go extinct. He's seen the rise and fall of humanity countless times as though his life cycles were an infinite loop. And yet each time he learned more and more.

He has met so many people like Nadira, desperate for something, willing to do anything to get it. However if that anything meant sacrificing their lives, that's where ninety nine percent of people would draw the line. But Nadira...

There was a determination behind Nadira's movements that made her stand out from every other human he's met.

This island he's chosen to call his home has proven to be quite interesting yet.

If Simon was like him, the other man has made no mentions of any such thing. Nor can Dalathu trace any sort of magic on him. The two have been business partners ever since Simon was in his twenties. The slightly portly man was quite a unique being. He had a high sense of fashion and a taste that was quite expensive. He had a keen eye for shiny things and a fear of anything that jumps out of nowhere and makes loud noises. He's overly jumpy and gets emotional when he sees a particularly gorgeous sunrise. He would much rather have the company of horses over fellow humans. He was great with an ax yet seemed uncomfortable being asked to wield one. Simon was a creature of habit. His room had floor to ceiling bookshelves in many different languages.

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