Chapter 7: Make Your Choice

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As the evening settled in, casting a warm glow over Jasmine's cosy living room, the group lounged about in various states of relaxation. The absence of Declan did not go unnoticed, a subtle undercurrent of concern threading through their casual conversation.

Zak, ever the observant one, was the first to voice the question that lingered on everyone's mind. "Hey, where's Declan?" he inquired, his brow furrowing with curiosity.

Matthew, reclining on the couch with a nonchalant air, shrugged off Zak's query with a casual wave of his hand. "Haven't heard from him much since the game against Pennington High," he replied, his tone casual but betraying a hint of unease. "Probably just needs some time to cool off after his lacklustre performance."

Nadine, perched on the edge of an armchair, offered a sympathetic nod. "Yeah, he seemed pretty downcast after the game," she chimed in, her voice tinged with concern. "I'm sure he'll bounce back soon. We all have our off days, right?"

Jasmine, reclining against a pile of cushions on the floor, nodded in agreement. "Exactly," she agreed, her expression thoughtful. "And besides, we've got each other's backs. If Declan needs anything, he knows he can count on us."

Chester, sprawled out on the floor with a bag of chips in hand, offered a reassuring smile. "Yeah, he'll come around," he chimed in optimistically. "In the meantime, let's enjoy the weekend and make the most of our time together."

"Right, we can't just mope around because Declan's not here... come on guys, let's do something because this is shaping up to be a depressing weekend thus far!" Jasmine broke the silence.

Jasmine's declaration injected a spark of energy into the atmosphere, dispelling the lingering sense of unease that had settled over the group. Her words served as a rallying cry, igniting a sense of determination to make the most of their time together.

"You're right, Jasmine," Zak chimed in, his eyes alight with mischief. "Let's kick things up a notch with a game of truth or dare!"

The suggestion elicited enthusiastic nods and murmurs of agreement from the group, their anticipation palpable as they gathered in a circle around the garden table. With Zak taking the lead, the game was set to begin.

Zak turned to Chester with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Alright, Chester, truth or dare?"

Chester paused for a moment, considering his options before finally settling on truth. He braced himself for Zak's question, knowing full well that in a game like this, there were no secrets safe.

Zak leaned in, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Alright, spill the beans, Chester. Who out of the group would you rather date?"

A ripple of anticipation coursed through the group as they awaited Chester's response. Chester's gaze flickered momentarily to Chloe, their silent exchange speaking volumes. With a faint blush colouring his cheeks, he cleared his throat before answering.

"Well," he began, his voice betraying a hint of hesitation, "I'd have to say... Chloe."

The admission hung in the air, met with a chorus of laughter and playful teasing from the group. Chloe's cheeks flushed pink as she exchanged a knowing look with Chester, their shared secret adding an extra layer of complexity to the game.

Jasmine grinned mischievously, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Looks like we've got a budding romance right under our noses!" she exclaimed, her tone filled with playful teasing. Of course, she knew the truth.

Nadine and Lily exchanged amused glances, their lips quirked into knowing smiles. It was known that there was more to Chester and Chloe's relationship than met the eye, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and happiness for their friends... even if they couldn't tell the guys.

A few rounds of truth or dare went by until it was Matthew's turn, he targeted Lily immediately and asked the dreaded question.

"Truth or dare?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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