Part 4

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we are planning on finishing this fic soon, and new ch's will be out!

Thanks for reading !


Theo Raeken.

His treacherous laugh echoed off the exposed inner cogs of the ship. Mawing water cascaded from where she had been sliced open. A cocky smirk formed on Raeken's face at the destruction - furthering Stiles and Derek's agitation.

"Oh look, my two favorite people. I was wondering how long it would take to run into you. I selfishly wanted to see the looks on your faces when you realized who was to blame for your downfall. For all the times you've underestimated me to now realizing I was your biggest threat all along. I hope you enjoy a good show because you've found yourself as the main characters of a tragedy under my direction. Don't worry, you'll be remembered. The true story of a fool sorcerer and his dirty dog."

Theo stood like a thing to be worshiped, balancing on the bow of his ship, arms spread wide in essence of a victory he had not yet obtained. He stared tauntingly at the two pirates hanging from the starboard of the alpha's slowly sinking ship.

Air whistled around their bodies, rocking them back and forth in a sway that loosened Stiles's sweaty grip on the deck - his other hand clasped tightly in Derek's to keep either of them from plummeting to a watery grave.

Even now, they didn't give Theo Raeken the time of day.

"Between the two of you, I never thought it'd be the wolf that needed an extra push from behind - if you know what I mean," another barb from their enemy in an effort to break needed concentration.

Derek responded with a roar that clapped against the waves, the greater display of power even in their position. Stiles managed a chuckle, cut off by a wince from the swords on his hip digging into his skin.

Theo didn't do well with their insolence, and was quick to respond.

"Rage at me all you want - it won't change anything. By the end of this day, both of you will be dead and I'll be recognized and revered as King of the Seven Seas."

Now Stiles did not laugh - instead he angled his neck back to meet Theo's stare with piercing, all knowing accuracy.

"Over my dead body!"

Not a threat, but a promise. Theo would never achieve the title they all sought after, Stiles would die before that happened. He would die to keep that from happening.

Derek's ship groaned and trembled as she sank lower into the ocean - the jerk had Stiles digging the pads of his fingers into wood. Sharp, piercing pain pricked him as splinters stabbed deep beneath the callouses. Theo's goading was the least of his worries - Stiles would meet his death too soon for it to matter if he didn't do something to save them now.

"Charmspeaker," Derek bellowed from below him, realizing the imminent danger, "it's up to you."

He didn't sound pleased about putting his life in Stiles's hand, but there was no help for it.

It was up to Stiles to make things right, and he would not shrink from this responsibility.

Muscles straining, the sorcerer tightened his grip on the werewolf's wrist and began pulling the dead weight up to tenuous safety. The ship was still sinking, and there was no help from a crew Stiles had ordered to flee the wreckage.

He'd deal with that problem once he succeeded in getting them out of this one.

"Careful," Derek grumbled at him on instinct when Stiles's strength momentarily faltered.

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