Chapter 7

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I opened my eyes to the sun shining through the window, I looked around and found myself in an unfamiliar setting... I was in a brown coated room with a key card on the floor by the door. Didn't I go to a club last night?

"Shit, I've been kidnapped," I thought out loud to myself. The bed, I had to admit, was extremely comfy. I had the red blanket with gold detailing draped around my left leg while my right hung over the blanket.

I heard a groan on the floor beside the opposite side of the bed and looked over it. "Luke?!" I said out loud, excited that I wasn't alone... that was until I say he was pretty much butt naked except for boxers and I was in his shirt.

"Oh fuck Luke don't tell me we did it," I panicked. That was something I definitely wanted to save till marriage. Luke opened his eyes and sighed.

"What's wrong?" he groaned.

"Luke did we fuck last night?" I said, panic still evident in my voice.

His eyes widened and he sat up bolt right, looking at what we were wearing before letting out a breath and laying back down. "No, I don't remember last night that well but I remember you waking me up at some unknown time asking for a top to wear because the dress was making you uncomfortable."

I let out a breath and lay back down. "Anything else you remember about last night? I'm hammered and can't remember a thing," I groaned, holding my hand to my head. God, this headache could not get worse.

"I remember everything before drinking but after drinking is a blur. The only thing I remember from the drinking is feeling it run through my body."

I groaned. I had a gut feeling something happened last night that I needed to remember. "Why are you still on the ground dumbo? Get your ass up here!" I joked after a couple of silent minutes.

Luke crawled up onto the bed and laid down next to me. "We should make you social media accounts," Luke said after a minute or two of silence.

I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and logged into Instagram. "I already have instagram, see!" I said, showing him my instagram page. It had about 100 followers but I didn't know who about 95 of them were.

"Nice username," he smirked, "have you got twitter?"

My smile halted. "No."

He sighed and grabbed my phone, much to my protest, and downloaded twitter. Once it had downloaded he made my Twitter account with the same username as my IG '@whoistaylah'. Luke handed me my phone and then went into his.

Twitter : '@luke_brooks is now following you'

Instagram : '@lukebrooksoffical is now following you'

Luke texted the boys telling them to follow my accounts as I tweeted 'hey just joined because of mr beef head next to me'.

I got up and called a cab, getting back into my dress while Luke went to the toilet.

* * *

"Jaaaai! Why won't you tell meeeeee," I asked, putting on my little kids voice. It had been a week since we went to the club and none of the boys would tell us what happened. All they did was try to suppress laughs.

"I can't. I promised the others!" he said, holding his hands up as if I was a police woman.

I took a sip of my banana smoothie and a bite of my chips. Jai and I were at a cafe for lunch because the other boys were at the gym. Jai would have been at the gym but he had sprained his wrist the other day at the gym. He was out of gym for a few weeks, this lunch turned into a daily thing for us.

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