Episode 2

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  Okay so it's officially been a few weeks since... Your contract dating has started. Maybe about a week or two? You don't really remember.

  What matters is that you've been getting spoiled by rich boy Axel since the contract started! Like, you've never seen this much money in your entire life. And you can't believe he's spending it on you! You!

  Though, it's a little weird how he looks so interested in you. Isn't this a contract relationship? Why does he look smitten? Why does he treat you so tenderly? He literally treats you like his wife and spoils you with riches! It's a little weird...

  But to be honest, you don't care.

  As long as he's giving you money you don't care. Heck, you would even ask to marry him if you could. If he likes you, even better! You'd have a personal ATM at your service all the time!

  Too bad you're not sure of whether he actually likes you or not. He could just be like this to everyone. And eventually, this is still a contract relationship that will come to an end. You can't just live lavishly, quit your job and move to Paris or something. At least not now. Not when he could revoke this agreement at any time before you get the bag.

  You could leave this city after you get the 100 million dollars. But for now, you're stuck at your boring barista job, working from 9-5 at minimum wage.

  And like sure, you got the million dollar down payment but... student debt? Taxes? Housing loans? Not to forget you went on a shopping spree after...

  Anyway, in this economy, a million dollars is not enough to leave the country and live a comfortable life somewhere else. That's why you're still slaving away. At your boring job that you had to resort to because even though you had qualifications, apparently it wasn't enough to work at the dream job you had always wanted.

  You are brought out of your daydreams when someone snaps their fingers in front of you, bringing you back to reality. You jolt upright, rubbing your eyebrows as you face the person who brought you back from la-la-land.

  "(y/n) stop slacking off."

  Oh, it's just your co-worker.

  "For what? There's no one..."

  You respond, instantly relaxing as you grumble slightly. The heck, there's not even a single person in the cafe. Why did he force you out of your daydreams? However, it seems you co-worker had other plans... plans that involved moving your body because why is he gesturing to the other broom in his hand?

  "Then we have to use this time to clean. Come on."

You groan, begrudgingly taking the broom as you tune out your co-worker who starts yapping. Seriously, he never shuts up, does he? Is it the youth spirit in him? He's 20, right? Doing some science degree... Man, you really wish you could've gone back to the days when you were in uni. Good times.

  You sweep the floor, humming softly as the jingle of the door bell causes you to look up. What the- You just started sweeping and there's someone?

  But just as you were about to complain, you feel your heart race. Oh my god... You recognize this aura... It's... It's him! Your rich sugar daddy! Okay not sugar daddy but you get the point. But what is he doing here? In some commoner's coffee shop? Now that you think about it, why did he even come here when you two first met? There's no way he just casually walked past and decided to get coffee... Maybe you should be more suspicious-

  "I would like a black coffee. (y/n) could you please make it for me? I'll place the money on the counter."

  At his words, you instantly shove the broom into your co-worker's arms and run to the back to whip up the botter concoction. Okay who cares what Axel's intentions are. He's giving you money. That means something, doesn't it?

100 days to love ― m. yandere x f. readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن