Episode 1

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God, what are you doing here? You should've just ghosted him. You shouldn't have listened to him and dressed up nicely to attend dinner. You should've just stood him up.


You can't believe you actually listened to his words and came to this... expensive restaurant in some high end neighborhood you would never step foot in otherwise.

And no, you weren't even joking. Because dude, even just standing outside of the restaurant, waiting for him to come fetch you in, made you feel like a peasant standing in front of a king.

But this shows that he's actually rich right? That he wasn't lying about the monetary reward? Hopefully it is. Otherwise you'd hit your head against the wall until you forget about this dumb decision you made.

"Great, you're here."

You look up from your phone, jaw instantly dropping as you watch him offer you his arm. What the heck. Is that a patek watch? Giorgio Armani clothing?


Should you just ask to marry him instead? Skip the dating, maybe?

You shake your head at the thought, scurrying to hold his arm as a... waiter? Butler? Comes to carry your bag for you. Holy shit is this what being rich is like?

You can't help but feel fluttery in your stomach, the joy of being spoiled rotten by some rich guy was too good! After all, when else would you be treated like royalty other than now? If you hadn't met this rich guy you would've been the waiter!

"You look nice by the way."

You turn your head to your new sugar daddy- Well, not sugar daddy. He looks to be around your age. But how can someone so young be so rich? Is it inheritance? Is he someone super genius who created something revolutionary?

But that's besides the point. The point is, he's just super rich. And he just complimented you.

"A-ah... thanks?"

You smile sheepishly at him, rubbing your neck before awkwardly taking the arm he offered to you. He smiles softly, sending a shiver down your spine as he brings you into the restaurant that looks even grander on the inside. Damn, if you hadn't met him you would have to sell your organs to even step foot in this place.

Wait, now that you think about it, you don't even know his name. What the heck? How are you going to ask that? Just go up and ask 'hey what's your name?' and act all cool?

No way. That's weird.

You'll just continue to address him neutrally and... hope that he brings up his name mid-conversation-

"You seem confused... Is it my name you want or..."

Is he a mind reader? How did he know?

"No, not a mind reader. I'm just good at understanding what people want."

Oh. That explains a lot.

You nod your head in embarrassment, cheeks flushing lightly as he pulls a chair out for you, gesturing for you to sit down. You accept, a tad bit awkwardly as you play with the hem of your skirt and stare out of the window as he clears his throat. Oh he booked a table beside the window... The view is nice, it overlooks the entire city. You wonder if this mystery man has this type of view every single day.

Rubbing your neck awkwardly, you avoid eye contact with him, instead choosing to fiddle with anything you can possibly get your hands on.

Like, oh! This is a nice spoon! So round and shiny. It's cold too-

100 days to love ― m. yandere x f. readerWhere stories live. Discover now