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Sun shining right at my face, waking me up from yesterday's slumber. Slowly and painfully, I opened my eyes, embracing the somehow warm spring morning.

Yawning and rolling around the bed, my mind suddenly recalled a certain memory.

"Did Zayne visit me yesterday?"

Confusion written all over my face, some random images ran through my head. "Please don't leave."

With loud gasp, I sat up, holding my head.

That didn't happen, right? I mean, why would Zayne be here? Nahh it was just a dream. Hahaha, yes, that's it.

Looking around the room, my eyes caught a glass on my nightstand and something shiny? I mover closer and picked up the shiny things, which turned out to be a watch?

"This is not mine.....WAIT! ZAYNE WAS HERE YESTERDAY? That explains why I'm in my bed and not on the couch."

I started to laugh like maniac. If Zayne was here so that means all the stuff I remember is true! Me, pulling him closer and asking not to leave.

I could feel my cheeks getting more and more redder. I don't think only my cheeks are red, but the whole face.

"Why did he have to see me like that?!"

I dropped back in bed, pulling the covers over my head. I wanted to scream so badly!

"Pull yourself together, girl! Oke so...Zayne left his watch at my place, and I'm sick, which means he will come here again to collect his stuff."

And with that, I ran towards the bathroom to wash up because I stink from sweating so much yesterday. I probably should tidy the apartment up, too.

It took me a while to shower. As soon as I came out of the bathroom, I heard weird noise outside my room.

"Huh? Is Leyla here? No, she's out on mission. Oh gosh, did someone break in?"

I looked at myself. I was only covered with a towel. I can't go like this....I spotted my gun on the little table. I grabbed it and slowly walked towards the door.

I opened the door and pointed my gun... no one's here. Then again I heard the noise but from the kitchen.

Oh, please, does the robber need my pans? I crept closer to the kitchen.

Just as I was around the corner, I took a deep breath, ready to come face to face with the intruder. I turned towards the kitchen and pointed my gun...


Zayne dropped whatever he was holding when I suddenly screamed as I saw him.


Suddenly, I remembered I'm only in a towel. With a flushed face, I turned back around the corner.

"You had a cold yesterday."

He was talking in such a serious voice like nothing happened like that him being here isn't wrong.

"So? That doesn't explain that you're here again. I thought you left for work."

"I have a day off today. I went out to buy some food to make."

Suddenly, the apartment door swung open, and Leyla burst inside. Her face fell in shock after seeing Zayne and me wrapped only in the towel. Her ears became red.

"I just wanted to drop by to leave some medicine. I'm sorry that I interrupted you guys. Bye!"


I couldn't finish the sentence as Leyla had already slammed the door shut.

Good five seconds passed as Zayne peaked around the corner.

"I made you some honey tea."

Surprised, I screamed.

"Don't look! Don't look at me right now."

I sprinted back inside the bedroom, flustered as ever. This morning is the worst! Kill me! Please ground open up and swallow me whole. Someone just make me disappear!

After the whole praying to disappear, I got myself together. Change my clothes, dried my hair, and got ready to face Zayne again.

Without showing any emotion, I sat down on the couch. Zayne brought me the tea he made and sat down almost next to me. With an awkward glance, I looked at him.

"I wanna talk with you about something."

Oh God, just please don't bring up yesterday. Please don't, or else I'm gonna die from embarrassment.

"Your evol usually acts up when you're sick?"

I took a sip with the delicious honey tea before I nodded to his question.

"Yes, sometimes it's just light burning up, but in case like yesterday, it gets worse. If I have enough strength, I make myself ice cold bath and just sit the to cool myself down."

"Why didn't you do that yesterday?"

"I couldn't. I was very weak yesterday. Enough about me...why didn't you leave?"

His eyes suddenly travelled around the living room, like he was hesitating to answer.

"You were sick, and I usually don't leave patients all alone when their sick and need attention."

I snickered as I drank the last sip with tea. I placed the cup down on the table. I looked ahead of me.

"So you go around houses and sleep in sick people beds just because their sick? What a devoted doctor you must be."

I snickered some more. The idea gave me a disgusting feeling no matter how much I tried to shake it off my mind.

"No. This was the first one for me."

I choked on the air, my face heating up like crazy. I looked at Zayne, who was already looking at me. His gaze was warm but at the same time serious.

"Ohhh ha, yeah, well for me too..first...time." Oh shut up Y/N what are you saying! I was so nervous I spoke the first thing that came to my mind.

"That's good. Well, if you're okay now, I should leave. Have some business to attend."

I nodded while looking at him, getting up from the couch. Oh, his watch! I ran to the bedroom and grabbed the watch as I ran back, I stood in front of him.

His eyes fell on mine. God, he was tall. I reached my hand out and gave him the watch. Zayne gathered his other stuff, and with an awkward atmosphere, we said our goodbyes.

As Zayne left, I locked my door and slid down against it. I smiled like an idiot at myself. If someone saw, they would think I'm crazy.

"When will my stupid crush on him die down?"


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!



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