"We're on channel 40 if you change your minds, alright?" Riley affirmed, a small smile gracing her features as she squeezed Morales' shoulder. The man brought her into a tight hug, muttering a thanks for everything that she had done for him and his family.

"It's time to move out." Shane spoke over the sounds of crying, knowing time was of the essence, and began to usher people to their designated cars.

Riley climbed into the RV and sat towards the back near Jim and Jacqui at a small table and Andrea sat across from her whilst Glenn sat next to Dale, who was in the drivers seat. Soon enough they began their journey and it was mostly quiet aside from Jim's ragged breathing that was becoming more laboured as time passed.

Riley became bored of cleaning her PPK and moved to sit next to Jacqui to watch over Jim, however as she sat down she noticed the woman wiping tears from her face.

"I don't know what to do." Jacqui whispered, her eyes never leaving Jim, who was now sweating profusely, his fever reaching a new high.

"There's nothing we can do," Riley sighed looking between the dying man and the already mourning woman, "Besides hold his hand and try to make him as comfortable as possible to ease his passing."

Riley reached into the bowl of water on the side and grabbed the towel within it, wringing it out, before placing it on the man's head to try and cool him down. However, before she could become lost within her thoughts the RV jolted with a loud noise then began to slow down.

Dale quickly honked the horn to alert the others in their group of the predicament, which roused Jim from his fitful sleep, and pulled the RV over to the side. Riley looked at Jim, giving him a quick smile, and followed Dale out of the car to help him.

They opened the bonnet of the RV together and instantly saw the problem making Riley groan as she turned to look at Rick who had approached the pair asking if everything was alright.

"The radiator hose has bust." She explained as she grabbed the remainder of the duct tape to try and fix the problem.

"I told you we'd never get far on that hose. I said I needed the one from the cube van." Dale complained, watching Riley as she worked and pointing to where the duct tape was needed more.

"Can you jury-rig it?" Rick suggested, not wanting to be stranded on the road for too long.

"That's all it's been so far. It's more duct tape than hose." The older man sighed, however his mood worsened with Riley's next words.

"And we're all out of duct tape." Showing the two men the finished roll to emphasise her point.

"I see something up ahead. A gas station if we're lucky." Shane spoke up, a plan already formulating in his head yet before he could say anything more Jacqui ran out of the RV looking distressed.

"Y'all, Jim, it's bad. I don't think he can take anymore." Her eyes watering with unshed tears, and she quickly ran back inside too worried about the man to leave him by himself.

"Hey, Riley, you want to hold down the fort? I'll drive ahead, see what I can bring back." Shane looked towards the woman for confirmation, receiving an affirmative nod he turned to leave.

"I'll come along too and I'll back you up." T-Dog spoke up moving towards Shane's car.

"Y'all keep your eyes open now. We'll be right back." Shane looked between the people in the group, noting the anxiety on some of their faces and knew it was best to be as quick as possible. He gave Riley one final nod before getting in his car and driving further up the road.

"I'll check on Jim." Rick mumbled to Riley from his position beside her and turned to follow after Jacqui, leaving Riley still stood where she was surveying the surroundings.

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