Chapter 4 - Atlanta

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Riley drove the van quickly down the empty roads ensuring that they would get there with enough daylight to spare. Everyone else remained silent, enjoying the little time they had before they entered the city.

"He better be ok, that's my only word on the matter." Daryl spoke, looking directly at T-Dog who was sat across from him.

"I told you the geeks can't get at him." T-Dog sounded almost bored as he responded to Daryl's threat. "The only thing that's gonna get through that door is us."

The tension in the van was so high it could be cut with a knife so Riley was glad when she parked up, quickly cutting off the engine as to not draw the attention of the dead.

She turned to face the others sat in the back, "We're walking from here." She opened her door and jumped out quietly before slowly closing the door so it didn't make a noise.

However the other occupants of the van didn't share her thinking and all slammed their door shut making her internally scream at their stupidity.

"Are you kidding me? Could you be any louder?" She whisper yelled at the men, their gazes all fell to the floor with guilt and a chorus of sorry being muttered.

They all then began to jog towards the heart of Atlanta, staying in a tight group so none of them were attacked by a stray walker.

They came across a fence blocking their path, yet Riley and Glenn had planned for this, Glenn pulled out a pair of bolt cutters to get through. Once on the other side they quickly surveyed the area to make sure they're alone.

The streets were deserted so far, the only movement being the wind blowing rubbish around and the branches of the odd trees moving.

"Merle first or the guns?" Rick asked, looking between Riley and Glenn.

"Merle! We ain't even having this conversation." Daryl demanded, glaring at Rick so hard that if looks would kill he might as well be a walker.

"We are." Rick deadpanned. "You know the geography it's your call." He looked towards Glenn indicating that it was his choice causing the young man to swallow before responding.

"Merles closest. The guns would mean doubling back, Merles first." He decided quickly, his eyes shifting to Daryl every so often.

Once their decision was made they began making their way through the deserted streets towards the building where they left Merle the day before.

After killing a few walkers along the way they finally made their way onto the roof and Daryl quickly ran through the door, knocking Glenn aside, and yelling for his brother. Yet there was no response.

As the rest of the group made their way onto the roof in confusion Daryl's gaze fixated upon something on the floor before he turned away, struggling to hold back his tears.

"No! No!" He cried, at that was when she saw it. There was a hand lying in the floor, turning a yellowish green colour, in a pool of congealing blood. Riley's face lost a bit of colour, that was barely noticeable, at the sight. The handcuffs were still dangling from the pipe that the man was chained to.

Daryl suddenly rounded on T-Dog, his crossbow pointing to the middle of his forehead. Yet within an instant Ricks gun had been cocked and was aimed at the redneck.

"I won't hesitate, I don't care if every walker in the city hears it." Rick stated, his gaze on Daryl unflinching.

Daryl had a visible battle with himself but eventually lowered his crossbow, signalling that Rick could do the same.

"You got a do-rag or something?" The redneck questioned T-Dog quietly, out of character for his usual behaviour, but the man pulled out a rag from his pocket and handed it to Daryl.

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