Chapter 1 - Dumbass

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Riley was on a run for supplies in the city with a few of her group and so far everything was going according to plan. They had created a distraction to lure the herd of walkers away from where her group needed to go, making their job easier for them.

As they entered the building they all split up, Riley had ordered some people to go to the roof and keep an eye out and to radio if there's anything suspicious whilst the rest of them scavenged for supplies.

As she was looking around the store she saw a Marvel comic book, looking around she shoved it into her bag knowing that Carl would like it then carried on with finding more useful things. She rifled through cupboards and found more food,bottles of water and soda making her feel slightly better. At least tonight they won't just have to eat squirrel, not that she doesn't mind squirrel, she just can't cope with more complaints from some of the group that they don't like it.

She walked into another room to clear it when her radio went off, "What's up?" She responded quickly, worried about everyone's safety.

"You might want to come see this." Glenn responded, so she made her way to the stair well and began the trek up the ten flights of stairs. To say she was carrying a lot of supplies, she got to the roof fairly quickly.

She walked out to see Merle smoking on the far side,and she rolled her eyes. She didn't want to bring him in the first place as he was a danger to the group, but Shane made her bring him because the man makes the women back at camp feel uncomfortable. Which was fair enough, but now she has to deal with a high Merle whilst also making sure this run goes smoothly which sounds impossible.

As she walked over to Glenn, he turned around and smiled at her before looking back to where he was focused on. She crouched next to him and he handed her the binoculars, pointing to something in the distance.

"What does that look like to you?" He asked while turning to look at her.

Riley focused her gaze on where he had been looking and wasn't bothered by what she saw, "It's a man on a horse." She deadpanned turning to look at Glenn with a bored face. "Is that all you called me up here for? A man on a horse. Glenn I had to walk up ten flights of stairs for this." She grumbled whilst glaring at him.

"Yes this is what I called you up here for. What if he's injured? Or needs help?" Glenn worried. This is what she loved about Glenn, even if the world has gone to shit he still wants to help others, but they have to be weary these days. Not everyone will repay the favour.

"The only thing I'm worried about is if he draws the walkers back this way. He's not our problem till then." Riley grumbled, but she ended up staying on the roof to watch the guy through her binoculars.

She watched as the unknown man made his way slowly through the streets on his horse, her eyes not leaving his figure. Nerves crept up in her, a feeling of dread at the back of her mind saying everything is going to go wrong and she knew it would be this man's fault.

She started to curse under her breath as he turned down a street with a horde of walkers, knowing there was nothing she could do from this distance. She watched as he fell from his horse and started to run, firing shots at the walkers, only to be blocked off by more of them making him take refuge in the tank near him.

"Shit, what do we do?" Glenn worried as more walkers crowded the streets, attracted to the sudden noise and the smell of fresh meat.

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