"Ha, funny joke sweetheart"

Sigewinne pulled up her watch to his face.

Wriothesleys eyes widened.

"aha.. I have to get going sweetheart. Clorinde will be here soon okay? Don't do anything reckless."

He quickly pecked her on the forehead and rushes out the door into the car, then deciding that the traffic would take too long and it would actually be faster to run.

So that's what he did.

Wriothesleys ran all the way there.

Luckily, he didn't break a sweat due to his stamina levels, and made it into the building about 20 minutes later. As soon as he stepped in, he completely changed his demeanor, fixing his tie and running a hand through his hair. Walking up to the receptionist who seemed to fix her appearance upon his arrival.


"Yes, Mr Wriothesley, is it?" She cut him off with a smile.

"Ah, yes.. I'm sorry have we met..?" He asked awkwardly.

"Indeed, I spoke over the phone with your superior who helped you land an interview, he described your appearance. As a compliment, may I say you're looks ate quite.. Unique, it would be hard for me not to recognize you." She continued smiling.

"I see, well, I hope I'm not late."

"Not at all Sir, you're right on time, please take the elevator up to floor 4,its the second room to your left."

"Thank you." He gave her a nod as he walked away, pressing the number 4 on the elevator.


The elevator doors opened, normally, anyone stepping out of that elevator and walking into that particular room that our agent was walking into now would be absolutely petrified with nervousness. The workers walking past him actually ended up giving him strange looks because of how calm he seemed.

He knocked twice.

"Come in." Came a female voice.

Wriothesley turned the door handle and closed it behind him, walking into an office that seemed important and ornate. A young woman sat in the chair behind her desk, with white hair and heterochromic eyes, she motioned for him to sit down, and he did so.

"Wriothesley, was it?"

He nodded,

"Perfect, Welcome, I'm Furina. The CEO has tasked me with interviewing you for today, shall we get started?" She said with utter proffesionalism.

"Of course," He answered in agreement.

"Have you had any experience in debate or law?"

"If I'm being honest, practically none, but I'm not here to apply to be a lawyer."

"Oh? Then what are you applying for."

"Say somewhat like an errand boy, make things slightly easier for the hard working lawyers themselves, pass on messages, move papers, sort of like a join secretary. Some business have such positions and they're highly useful." Wriothesley stated.

"Well, I'm sure I can look into such a job, but let's continue with my questions. Why should I hire you over perhaps another that would want such a place?" Furina continued interrogating.

"I'm hard working and won't stop with the job half done, I'm happy to do extra hours if needed and will take on any assignment given and do my utmost best at it." He answered in a confident tone. As he observed Furina noting some things down.

"Alright, how do you feel about socialising?"

"I would personally say that I'm a very extroverted, sociable person. I get along with many people, similar interests or just simple communication goes a long way with people, as well as manners of course."

"Where do you see yourself 2 years from now if I were to accept you for the job"

"Perhaps everyone in the firms trusted friend, as they can indeed trust me with such errands, perhaps they will be able to have the confidence to rely on me more and make life easier for themselves."

Furina hummed.

"Okay Mr Wriothesley, I'll let you know within 3 business days what the result of this interview is, may you write your phone number down please?" She passed a piece of paper and pen towards him.

"Of course," he said as his wrote it down on the paper in front of him,

"Thank you very much, you may leave now." She took the paper back.

Wriothesley nodded and rose out of his chair, walking out the office as calmly as he walked in. He had been through so many of these fake interviews now that it came naturally to him, as he got into the lift and pressed the button for the ground floor. The doors opened and someone familiar was standing directly opposite him, one of the last people he expected to be there.

𝘜𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳, 𝐼𝑡 𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢... Where stories live. Discover now