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A few months before

I walk through the field of the carehomes near the beach. The green gardens make me envious or these old people. 'Excuse me,' I ask one of the nurses. she smiles kindly. 'Do you know where I might find Lord Courtenay?' She nod 'He always looks out over the hills. I smile and walk up to the man sitting in a wheelchair. 'You don't look your best sir courtenay'. I say with a smile. He does not react, only smiles. 'Do you miss you old home?' 'He nods. 'nobody can cook here.' He says, I chuckle. 'Sir, I am actually here to bring you some rather sad news....' He nods. 'Your son has died.' I say trying to hide the fact that my voice is breaking. There's a long silence.

'I have no son.' He responds. My exppression doesn't change, it's a hard truth to face. Because of me this man considerers his son a nobody. 'You've never even been worthy a father.' I say as I stand up, I look at him, arrogantly, exactely like my father used to. 'You are an embarrasment, and a cold hearted man. I hope you die soon' I say. I take a deep breath.

It's a hard truth to face, you are nobody's son when you are truthful to yourself.

To my Dearest FriendWhere stories live. Discover now