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Dear Cyril,

How delightful to hear all the stories. Of course I am aware thar your have not forgotten about me, I have your letters to prove it. I loved your photographs. At home the tension is growing as my father feels it's necessary for me to get engaged soon, and a you know; I'm not fond of the thought of marrying somebody. I am in no rush to get engaged. But apart from that it's incredibly dull here, I must say the person you are describing seems very exotic. I'm sure he is very beautiful but please my darling listen to your gut and be careful at all times, you are new there, it doesn't work the same there. I'm afraid I don't have a lot to say this time, but I'm sure your next letter will be very eventful! I love you too my darling.

Your eternal sunlight,

Yours lovingly, Yves Montague

I remember meeting you as if it was yesterday. Well, it's not that long ago. I was 18 so it's approximately 8 years ago. God I feel old. Sometimes memories just return to you without asking. I am still glad I met you. The courtyard from the university was silent and the clouds predicted It would be raining com. I was in the mood to be alone with the rain, put alas, my Cyril decided I looked lonely, maybe I would have loved to be alone. But Cyril wasn't so he decided to accompany me. 'It seems the sky will be letting the rain go soon.' I only nodded. I was in no mood to talk. 'My name is Cyril.' I nodded again. 'It's okay if you don't want to talk. I'll be silent with you.' I looked at him, that was the first time I noticed how beautiful the person was. His halflong blond locks loosely on his shoulders, His shirt beautifully crisp and his eyes bluer than a nightsky. I smiled. 'I enjoy your talking Cyril. His smile lit up the courtyard, it was so big his eyes were forced to shut a little bit. It made him look overly Innocent. I felt my mouth curl up into a smile and for the first time in two years I felt like I wasn't wearing a mask and was feeling a little bit of real joy. It began to rain, we sat next to eachother, looking at the sky. Our meeting could not have been more imperfect but it was so perfectly perfect. That was the beauty from Cyril he was never perfect but so utterly beautiful than perfect. Beautifully imperfect I'd call it. He was so human, as was I. We looked into the sky and the rain flood our faces with superficial tears of nature, he began to laugh, to laugh of all things but it was a laugh no one could resist. How beautiful. It was utterly insane. It must've been a strange sight to see, two boys laughing and running in the rain, both dressed in their finest clothes. How strange but still something to think about. I was fascinated by my Cyril since the moment I met him. This strange mix of naivity and knowledge. It fascinated me, I looked at him as one would look at the sunrise, or like you would've looked at a star, a certain fear mixed with loveing curiosity. And to look at me like I am the only on who truly knows him. We only need eachother. From that moment on we were inseperable.

He is mine, and I will forever be his. We wouldn't trade eachother for anything. Well, I thought we wouldn't but doubt is the most powerful divider.

To my Dearest FriendWhere stories live. Discover now