My son

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I leave Akiva's laboratory. 'Tomorrow the same time.' He asks. 'I have a private matter to attend to?' He smiles 'That's a shame.' I hesitate 'Why don't you go with me?' 'That is an excellent idea Brey' 'Then it is decided.' I write down an address and a time and give it to him. I run down the stairs. 'Do not be late Malachi!' He chuckles 'I won't'

The next morning I wear a Vatermorder again, but this time I decide to go with the gambler. I see Akiva standing in front of the address I gave him. 'very punctual indeed.' I say. He nods slightly. I grab my keys and open the door. 'I can't recall you live here Brey.' 'I do not.' I answer 'Boys!' Ezra and Charlie run down the stairs. Ezra hugs me very tightly and as I pet his head. I feel a tear. 'You're okay.' 'I promised I would be.' 'Are you healthy again?' 'Mostly.' Akiva says. 'This is Akiva, Ezra, Charlie.' Ezra shakes Akiva's hand. 'Ezra, that is a Jewish name.' 'I didn't know.' 'Who are these fine young men?' Akiva says while kneeling. I smile as I look at them 'My sons.' Akiva looks at me, clearly surprised. 'We are adopted.' Ezra says with a proud smile. 'They are my wardens' I say. Akiva nods. He gives them both a piece of chocolate. 'It's delicious. With real dutch cacoa.' Charlie looks at me. 'Martha says I shouldn't eat too much sweets.' 'This is alright Charlie' He takes it. Martha comes out of the kitchen. 'Akiva meet Martha.' the shake hands. 'Have you ever realised Charlie might be a little underdeveloped for his age?' 'What do you mean?' I ask. 'I don't mean physically, I mean mentally, it's quite common when young children experience trauma." 'I never thought about it.' I say. Neither did I' says Martha. 'Sweet children, very polite.' Akiva says. 'That's all thanks to their mother and Martha.' I sat. 'You don't take enough credit master montague.'

Martha an I are looking at Akiva as he's playing the piano and sing singing in a language I do not speak (I'm guessing Yiddish because I recognize German words.) Charlie is mesmerized by the quick tempo and the swinging way of singing. Ezra enjoys it too. I look at Akiva, he saved my life, I think he still might be saving my life. I feel fine again. I feel like myself again, not fully but more.

We walk through the dark streets of London. Akiva is happier than I've seen before. 'You really have heart for those children don't you?' 'I try my best' I respond and he chuckles, 'you really don't take credit.' 'It's my fault they don't have a mother anymore." he looks puzzled. 'Did you kill her?' he asks jokingly. 'No I couldn't save her.' 'ah' 'I don't want to talk about it.' I say before he dares asking. That's clear than.' he says. He makes the worst joke I ever heard but I laugh nonetheless just to get our moods up again.

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