On The Air

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In the early morning I feel Alastor get up from our bed causing me to slightly groan and pull the covers up a bit more.

I hear a muffled laugh come from him as he walks into our bathroom to get ready for work. I shift my position a bit, getting more comfortable to drift off again.

Eventually he comes back in, one more time, and leaves a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I love you my darling. I'll be back home before you know it." I mumble an incoherent response back, still being half asleep, before he leaves heading out to the radio station.

─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───

I wake up noticing the empty, and slightly cold spot, next to me. Sighing I sit up to stretch before getting out of bed and walking into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast.

As I enter the kitchen, I see a tray of toast with butter and jam, an omelette, and a plate of sausages and potatoes. Alastor even prepared my coffee just the way I liked it.

After taking note of the thoughtful breakfast I noticed a note as well. I picked it up to read it as a smile engulfed my face.

Don't worry about breakfast, I prepared it for you, my darling.

I shall be home later today as the radio station has requested for me to stay longer tonight.

I'm sorry I won't be home as long as I originally thought today.

I'll make it up to you darling. Kisses.

- Al

Ever since we started dating, before that even, Alastor always tried his best to make me happy and put a smile on my face.

While I'm a bit sad he has to work a few extra hours today it also gives me more time to get some last minute gifts I wanted to give him today.

I stretch once more before grabbing the plate of sausages and potatoes along with the omelette to heat up over the stove.

I flick on the radio and start humming along with the song that is playing. As I continue to heat up the food, I hear something over the radio. It's Alastor's voice, he's on air at the moment making me smile.

"And that was some wonderful music for you. Now back to your wonderful host, here's me, Alastor!" A clapping track plays after he finishes his sentences causing me to roll my eyes playfully.

"How is everyone doing today? I'd hope well considering it's Valentine's Day." He takes a second to pause. "I'd like to talk with you about something important as always - it's not the time to panic, but I think we should all remain vigilant because of the terrible events happening in nearby cities."

I turn off the stove and slightly tune out his voice talking about the recent murder spree happening around our city.

Placing my food onto the dining room table I walk back into the kitchen to bring the radio with me into the dining room as I catch the last bit of his spiel on the recent murders.

"As always, I urge you all to stay cautious. And if you want to, you can always call in here and we'll chat. The police have assured us that they are working hard and that we should have no grounds for concern... But still, stay vigilant, my friends, stay vigilant."

Taking a breath he starts up again. "Onto some lighter news, let's talk about Valentine's Day. anyone want to call in and tell us what date you have planned for your special someone?" he asks in his radio voice as I start to eat my breakfast.

Not long after he asks for people to call in, someone's voice is already being heard through the radio.

The woman on the line is excited and speaks quickly: "Oh, I've got the best plans! My boyfriend and I are going out for dinner at a fancy new place we've been dying to try and to top it all off he said he would take me to one of his favorite spots. It's going to be so romantic." She swoons and I can only assume blushes as well.

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