Chapter 30

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Zhou Ziyi suddenly got cramps in his feet when he was diving down.

He subconsciously wanted to go up, but his feet no longer obeyed his command. The moment he rushed to the surface, he only had time to open his mouth and swallow half a breath before the sea water rushed into his mouth. He didn't even cough much, just his hands moving unconsciously under the water. After floating on the sea for nearly twenty seconds, two waves hit his head and he slowly sank.

Silent and silent.

Zhou Ziyi had imagined before that if he got cramps in the water, he would struggle with his hands and feet that were not cramped; if he was in danger of drowning again, he would find a way to float up on the water. However, no matter how much he imagined, when things really happened, there was nothing he could do.

It's not that he is unwilling to save himself, but that at this time, his brain is no longer in control.

There is no thought of "Call for help! Struggling! Float up!" The brain cannot issue instructions, only the instinctive behavior of "breathing more than calling for help". When these last few dozen seconds pass and your body is completely unable to support you, you will have to give up your final struggle.

Although this struggle is silent.

Zhou Ziyi had fallen into a coma, and the sea water rushed into his mouth and nose, but he did not respond. He was still in the shallow sea, but he seemed to be sinking into the endless abyss. Everything was chaotic and unconscious.

Until an arm hugged him and pulled him up hard!


Yan Xiuji had already expended a lot of energy in bringing Zhou Ziyi to the surface.

Fortunately, the lifeguard was nearby and came to take over immediately. His manner of leading people was much more professional and faster than Yan Xiuji's, and he quickly carried Zhou Ziyi to the beach.

The moment he placed Zhou Ziyi on the beach, the lifeguard looked back at Yan Xiuji. When he confirmed that he had started to land, the lifeguard put his hand on Zhou Ziyi's chest and pressed it hard!

"...Hiccup! Cough!"

Just after pressing it twice, Zhou Ziyi spit out a large mouthful of water, and then coughed violently: "Cough cough cough...!"

When Yan Xiuji arrived quickly, Zhou Ziyi was still huddled on the beach and coughing in pain. The lifeguard next to him breathed a sigh of relief and said excitedly: "Great, I'm recovering! God bless me!"

Yan Xiuji squatted down and looked at Zhou Ziyi.

"I'll ask the hotel to send a car to take him to the hospital!" the lifeguard said, turning around and running towards his observation chair.

Yan Xiuji did not get up. Even though his neat clothes were wet at the moment, he had no intention of changing them.

He pushed aside Zhou Ziyi's forehead hair and looked at the young man's face.

Zhou Ziyi's face was livid, his whole face was wrinkled, and he coughed until he made no sound, which was heartbreaking. But it was much better than when Yan Xiuji just lifted him up.

No matter how ugly it is, if it can still move and be alive, then it's good.

Yan Xiuji's calm expression relaxed slightly.

It is said that when rescuing a drowning person, the biggest fear is that the drowning person will not cooperate. But when Yan Xiuji grabbed Zhou Ziyi in the water, but Zhou Ziyi didn't struggle, Yan Xiuji's emotions became extremely tense. Not struggling means unconsciousness. Was it temporary loss of consciousness, or... Yan Xiuji didn't dare to think too much.

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