Chaotic world

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"Y/n, there is a new ship in the forbidden area." Cade told as me while I was in the process of repairing my weapons. "All right, let's go." I said. I took a few things, and we went to our truck. Bee came over to us, but I held him back. "Wait, Bee, we will manage to get this on our own. You stay here; if something happens, I give you a call." He looked at me, disappointed, but then just turned around to get back to sitting around and doing nothing.

"All right, Cade, we got another transformer and five kids. He looks friendly. But TRF is coming; we have to hurry." "All right." "Bee, I think we do need your help," I said through the radio, and I got a confirming whirling sound. We drove there, but we were too late. They have already shot the friendly transformer. Cade threw a grenade at the TRF robot and got out off the car. I got out too and started shooting at the bot. "Hey, that's all; we got in our bag of tricks, so you might want to hop in." Cade told the kids and helped me. After we destroyed one, another, came closer, but before that could hurt us, Bee jumped through the wall and attacked it. He jumped on it and shot it a couple of times. "I'm tired of people messing with me." He said through the radio. "Yeah, I understand what you mean." I said and turned to the girl on the ground. "It's over." Cade told her and grabbed her by her arm. "No! I can fix him." "Nobody can fix him; he's dead." Cade told her harshly, and I pulled him back. "Listen, I would also grieve if someone killed the autobot that I love most, but would he want you to die at this kind of place?" She looked at me and then stood up. I dragged her to the car and sat her in the passenger seat next to Cade. Then I got in the back and stood behind the boys. "Hold on if you don't want to fall down."
"Go! Go! Go!" The boys yelled. "You boys, shut up. You messed up here; never come back; you could've gotten killed." I said, and they looked at me, intimidated.

When we got out of the area, Cade stopped, and he helped the boys out of the car. "Come on, Come on, no time, let's go." "Hey, wait, you're that guy, and you're that girl." "No, I'm not that guy, and she is not that girl." Cade answered and pointed at us. "The one that saves transformers—I thought you were just a legend." "A legend? You were too late," The girl asked, fed up. "You girl, you did nothing there, so keep quiet." I told her, and she looked angry at me. "Hey, you know there is a reward for turning you in." He told us. "Really?" Cade asked, "Yeah." "Cool. You want to get a punch in the face, like, really hard?" Cade asked. "No..." "Good go." The boy ran with his friend, and the girl gave us one last glance before also going. "See ya around, 'legend'." "Cade, you better hold me back from killing that girl." I told him and turned to look at him.

While Cade went back to check out the spaceship, I took that time to meet up with Bee. Hey, thanks for the save back there." I told him and patted his hood. He transformed and looked down at me. "It was close this time. You really could've gotten hurt if it wasn't for me." He told me fed up. "We've waited for Optimus for a long time now, but that is no reason for you to get yourself killed." He said. It was true; since a few months, I started to risk more. We all get impatient. We want Prime back, and the autobots want to stop just sitting around. "I'm sorry, Bee; you know I don't do it on purpose; I just slowly lose hope." Bee shook his head and sat down next to me. "He didn't make it, Bee; I get Y/n you can go back." Cade told us through the radio. Bee gave me one last worried glance, and then he transformed. I walked too Cade's direction to talk to him, but when I arrived, I saw the TRF was already there. "I don't sell out friends." I heard Cade say.

"Bee, I think we might need you again." I said through radio before I walked closer. "Friends? This is an invasion; one day we wake up, and They're in charge." The man said. "So our best option is to kill them all, even the good ones?" I asked, and he turned around. "Ah, former soldier Witwickey, I have heard of you." He walked closer to me. "Nobody is in charge; they just all fall out of the sky. Something is coming, and you can't shoot your way out of it," I said. The man grabbed me by my arms and came a little too close to me with his face. "I will make sure to get you under my personal arrest, then we can have some fun." He said eyeing me. "You're such a pervert." I said and looked at him, angry. Suddenly we heard an engine, and a solider shot at Bee, who had just approached us around the corner.

Bee transformed, but midair, he fell apart, and his parts landed everywhere. His head right in front of us. "What was that?" The man asked me, and I looked him in the eyes. "That was a mistake." Bee's head held onto the man's leg, making him groan in pain, and then every part of his body began to reassemble itself, hitting as many soldiers as possible in the meantime. A few guns were fired, and he hit many cars. Cade also took Bee's door and slammed it on the man's head. When Bee was almost finished, he took his own head sat it back on his head. "Next time you shoot somebody, don't go near 'em until you're sure they're dead. And you." He said and pointing to the solider who talked to me earlier. "You keep your hands away from my girl." He told him and pointed his weapons at the man. "I'll burn you so bad you'll wish you'd died as a child." He threatened him.

"Put the weapons down. Easy, Bee, easy." "Shoot her!" The man yelled, pointing at me. "You're dead before she hits the ground." Cade said also pointing his weapon at the man. "You threaten and harassed his girl; now he's angry." Cade finished the sentence. "I said stand down." A man said. "Shoot! Shoot!" The perverted man continued to yell. "Take the shot! Shoot!" "Don't do it, Bee!" I heard a very familiar voice. I instantly turned and saw, "Lennox!" I yelled happily. "Hold your fire!" He told the soldiers. "You drop it." He told Cade.

"I'm not dropping shit." "Hey, The military doesn't want it this way Bee, you gotta believe that. It's a new world order, and these guys are calling the shots." "Lennox, all they want is a home, and you know it, you worked with them for years." I told him. "You push them, and they push you right back." Bee said. Then another car arrived. "Hound's in town. Love starting the day off with a gunfire. Sorry, I'm late. My invitation to this ass-kicking, must've got lost in the mail." "Me and my crew are rolling out of here" "Call off your birds" Hound said. "Let's go. They're not gonna touch us." I said.

"All right, star 1, abort. Negative Decepticon activity." The others already walked away from the scene, and Bee just waited for me. I looked at Lennox one last time. "You know, even if we're kind of enemies now. I missed you, Lennox; I really did." "Yeah, you too, kid." He answered and smiled. I turned and ran to Bee, who had already held his door open for me. "Thanks."

My Spark-Bumblebee x reader (movie 1-5)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ