Start from the beginning

"Mariah," Althea called her name as she patted Mariah on the shoulder. "I'll always be around." She said while braiding her daughter's hair. "Even if I'm not there well... In-person, I'll always be there, in the back of your mind, writing you letters daily... and this." Althea pulled out an audio recorder and handed it to Mariah. "You always wanted one right?" Mariah's hazel amber eyes lit up the moment she saw the audio recorder and she gently took it out of her mother's grasp and looked down at it. "You bought it!" She exclaimed as her eyes turned into small little stars. "But... I don't have any cassettes?" Althea let out an amused laugh and pulled out a pack of empty cassettes, fresh and not opened. "Who says?" She teased her daughter, ruffling the young girl's head.

"Yes!" Mariah jumped up as she looked at her mom with a blissful gaze. "You're the best, ma." She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around her mom in a tight hug. "Thank you." Althea smiled and patted Mariah's back while letting out a small sigh. "Of course, Mariah." "I love you, ma." "I love you more."


Nowhere to be found. The Audio recorder was missing, and Mariah was stressed because of it.

"Sorry, M. I'll give it back when I have the chance," Regulus mumbled quietly with recorder in hand and an awkward smile plastered on his freckled face. Looking into the great hall window, he felt bad for making Mariah so stressed over the fact that she didn't have her audio recorder.

Regulus put the recorder in his bag. He sat up and transformed into a black cat; he ran off.

The great hall was filled with chatter and laughter. All the students enjoyed their time, until Professor Quirrell bursts through the doors, "Troll- Troll in the dungeons!" He cried out; stopping in the middle of the great hall, his bottom lip quivering in fear, trying to muster his words. "Thought you ought to know..." He 'dropped' to the floor, passing out.

Students went silent for a moment before panic erupted among them all. Screams, cries, and yells. Far from the great hall was like a few minutes before.

"Silence!" Dumbledore's voice echoed through the great hall, making students stop momentarily. "Prefects. Guide your houses back to your dormitories. And stay there." Students followed their prefects to their dormitories. All the professors stood up and rushed to the dungeons, except Snape.

"Where are you going, Severus?" Mariah asked when she saw him go in the opposite direction.

Severus grunted before turning to face her. "The third-floor corridor." Mariah nodded in response as if she knew what he saying; and ran off to follow the other professors while Severus went to check the third-floor corridor.

While she didn't know what he meant. It was better safe than sorry. Who knows what would happen while everyone was in a vulnerable state?

Step, step, step. She rushed through the halls. The rain gently dripped on this sorrowful night. Mariah searched for the others. Losing track of time until she slowly stopped in her tracks.

A tape... A cassette tape.

She hesitated for a moment. what would a random cassette tape be out in the middle of the halls? Her hands moved to grip her hand as she raised it into the soft windy air. "Revelio." She cast out loudly; revealing nothing out of the ordinary.

Odd... She thought to herself, bending down to pick up the cassette and turning it around.


For a moment time slowed down. The birds chirping was a background noise. The rain slowed. Her heart was beating fast from confusion. She felt dizzy. Who got a hold of this cassette? This was left in her office... Hidden from the eye. It was only visible through revelio.

"Who could have..." She whispered to herself; her voice shaking like a brewing storm. There was no way anyone could get a hold of this without purposely trying to get to it.

Rustling was heard near the plant in the potions room. Someone had to be here. "Revelio." She exclaimed, waving her wand around, yet... Nothing.

She just placed the cassette in her pocket before running off to find the rest of the professors.

"Shit..." Regulus cursed to himself while still in his animagi form. He had dropped the cassette while on his way to put back the recorder. But with the troll situation, and Severus being somewhere in the castle. It felt risky... As if he wasn't already doing something risky for the past 12 years of his presumed death. He thought it would be better to hold onto the recorder for now.

"What in Merlin's good name happened here?!" Mariah exclaimed as she walked over to Minerva, noticing how Severus was already there before her with a bloody bruise on his leg. Yet she didn't question it.

The three looked down, especially Harry. "Mr. Weasley and Mr. Potter had beaten a full-grown troll..." Minerva explained.

Mariah's eyes widened in shock. There's no doubt Harry is truly a Potter. She thought to herself before snapping back into reality. "Really!?" She asked in surprise before turning to face the two. "Di wow..." She whispered to herself before nodding. "And so what happens now?" "Five points have been taken from each of them..." Minerva started but shushed Mariah when the Filipino professor opened her mouth. "But five points will be given to both Mr Weasley and Mr Potter for their immense bravery." She finished.

Mariah nodded before looking at the three again. "Well... You three should head back to your dorms. We'll handle the rest." She said reassuringly, moving away from the door of the girls' restroom so the three could leave and return to their dorms.

Once they were out of sight, Mariah sighed and crossed her arms. "So..." Mariah started but was answered with an uncomfortable silence. "Mhm.. Okay. Cleaning it is." She nodded before walking into the girls' restroom; the care of magical creatures professor took care of the troll while Minerva fixed up the door. Mariah raised her wand and murmured some cleaning spells, not only cleaning the floors but also fixing up the broken stalls.

Oh, wow... That troll really did some damage... Regulus thought while licking his black fur, watching the staff of Hogwarts clean up the restroom.

That must suck. He thought before sneakily running off.

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