chapter - 20

377 39 15

The whole ride towards their house is silent nor mew or win said a single word, win knew what his phi going through the look on face his is enough to know how his phi is feeling right now and he doesn't have courage so ask anything about what happened at bright's house, he knew his phi is hurt no because of p'amy but hurt because of gulf...

He noticed his phi didn't say a word in their house because mew was trying to control his temper, he knows if his phi loses this temper then the situation got worse as a result it gulf who got hurt at the last...

Win :- phi

Mew :- not now bunny!!! please not now, we talk lat---


Win :- I'll see...

Mew :- no wait I get it...

Shock is what mew got when he opens the door, he never imagined what he is seeing now, his baby angel standing in front of him with red puffy eyes with some tears and bright right behind him which is in same condition as gulf is, with a wasting a second gulf hugged his p'mew tightly and start crying loudly again, mew shockingly look at bright who just nodd his head and mew immediately hugged back his baby...

At the same time win also come at the door and stand dumbfounded to see bright and gulf in bad condition and without thinking twice he also hugged his p'bai who immediately hugged him back, both mew and win bring gulf bright inside the house without breaking the hug...

After 10 min of crying like hell they all are sitting in living room, gulf is sitting on mew's lap and win is sitting on bright's lap still hugging but the difference is gulf hidden his face in mew's neck...

Mew :- bright gulf is everything alright... 'worriedly'

Bright :- 'hesitated' mew if you don't mind can we stay here for sometime please...

Mew :- why what happened there?? 'in an angry tone'

Bright :- i move out from there and baby boy comes with me... 'sad smile'

Mew :- sure it's your house too buddy you guys can stay as long as you want, please don't hesitate for anything...

Win :- p'bai something happened???

Bright told everything that happened after they left the house and how the gulf was determined to go with him and how badly his baby boy was hurting right now...


Mom :- no gulf is not going anywhere, I can't take my both son's leaving me, please baby you already suffered a lot not more...

Gulf :- but I'm hurting right mom, my phi is hurting, my friend got insulted and p'mew was dying to see me crying like that and that is killing me mom...

Mom :- baby this is your house

Gulf :- and in this house my loved one got insulted and hurt...

Mom :- gulf you are not allowed...

Gulf :- mom

Tong :- no gulf you are staying here only and bright nong please stay, this is also your house na...

Bright :- phi pl--

Amy :- let them go babe...

Tong :- stay always... 'in a warring tone'

Amy :- ohh please I'm sick of all this drama and all first gulf's and now this bright damn I'm tired...

Tong :- shut up and don't dare to say a word against my brothers...

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 08 ⏰

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