Hope was all I had left 2 - Flower Husbands AU

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Over the passing weeks, Jimmy slowly adapted to living in the hybrid shelter. Scott was a fabulous help, always being a shoulder for Jimmy to lean on, a safety net to fall back on if he ever got scared or overwhelmed. Jimmy even made a friend of his own. His first friend, Joel, was a short, confident man with a green stripe in his brown hair. Joel liked to dress in bright colors, and constantly bragged about his tall, beautiful wife. Jimmy had not yet met said wife, but from the way Joel spoke about her, Jimmy could tell that the man adored her deeply. Joel had said that it was because of his wife that he was here helping, as he was just a human. He mentioned something about his wife searching for her little brother, who she'd lost a long time ago. Jimmy could relate to losing his family, so he felt sympathetic for Joel's wife. 

Jimmy had requested some help to learn new things, and Katherine and Shelby jumped to help. The women were angels, allowing him so much grace and never once judging him. They taught him many things: how to read, how to light fires, how to cut vegetables, and hold a knife properly. They took turns in teaching, because one always had to be at the front desk to handle new arrivals, but they were both very patient and gentle with him. Jimmy was very grateful for their help. 

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One day, he was on his way to help Shelby in the kitchens when he caught a glimpse of that pink color again. Jimmy considered his options. He could ignore it again and go help Shelby, or... he could try and figure out why. Scott had often told him that if he wanted something, or if he wanted to know something, he could go after it. He could ask questions, he could find answers, he could learn. So, Jimmy followed the flash of pink. 

It belonged to a very tall woman, blue-skinned, wearing a white dress, and adorned in pearls. Jimmy couldn't see her face, but the way the residents lit up when she walked by indicated that she was either important, beloved, or both. At one point, she waved at Scott and the frost elf recognized her and waved back. Finally, she stopped walking and started chatting with Joel, which gave Jimmy a chance to catch up (wow she was a fast walker). Before he could get a word out, however, Joel noticed him and grabbed his arm, sweeping the siren into the woman's field of view.

"Lizzie! Darling, this is that friend I was telling you about! Lizzie, meet Jimmy! Jimmy, my lovely wife, Lizzie!" Joel introduced, a joyful grin spreading across his face and his chest puffed with pride. Lizzie had a kind face, and fins in place of her ears, like Jimmy. When she smiled, her teeth were just a little bit sharper, and when she held out her elegantly taloned hand to shake, Jimmy noticed delicate webbing between her fingers. Hello, your majesty. Jimmy greeted, aware from what Joel had told him that the woman was practically royalty. 

Lizzie laughed, shaking her head as a cheerful glimmer lit her eyes. "Oh, stop it. Whatever Joel told you, I'm not a Queen or Princess or royalty of any kind anymore. I'm just Lizzie." "Yeah, 'just Lizzie' my foot. If a ten-foot-tall goddess who was once queen of the ocean isn't worthy of a little groveling, I'll eat terracotta." Joel grumbled, his arms crossed sulkily. Lizzie laughed again, then suddenly grew solemn, leaning down to squint at Jimmy. "Say, Jimmy, do I know you from somewhere? You look quite familiar." Jimmy shrugged. I'm new here, and I've been in a cage my whole life. Dunno where you'd have seen me from. He signed. 

Lizzie frowned. "Hmm. In a cage, you say? Remember anything from before then? Friends, family, a home? I was the Ocean Queen before hybrids were allowed in the city, so maybe I knew you or your parents." Jimmy shook his head, then paused, burrowing his brow as a half-formed memory struck him. I remember bright colors. Pink. Lots of pink. That's why I approached you, actually. Your hair reminded me of something, and I guess it was my old home. Jimmy explained. 

Lizzie's bright blue eyes blew wide open and she gasped, one of her hands flying to her mouth. "By Poseidon's beard! Jimmy! You just might be..." She glanced at Joel, who seemed to not quite understand what was going on. "Lizzie? Dear?" He asked, confused, then he understood and his mouth dropped open. "You don't think..." Jimmy was still confused. What? What might I be? What's going on? Lizzie took a breath, visibly calming herself down, then her eyes snapped open and fixed on Jimmy with a frightening intensity. "Okay. Jimmy? I'm going to sing, alright? And when I'm done, tell me if you recognize the song." She swept back her hair and breathed in, out, then opened her mouth. 

The first note that left her mouth had Jimmy entranced. It was like nothing he'd ever heard before, except maybe in memory. He knew the song, he knew the tune, it was a part of him, deep inside. It had been sleeping and now it was awake. He too, opened his mouth and let the music flow like water. His voice and Lizzie's mingled, fitting together perfectly, like puzzle pieces. Jimmy felt blissfully happy. Some primal wound was healing. The siren could finally sing, and it was beautiful.

When the song ended (both stopped singing at the same time, like they'd been practicing for years), Joel's face was priceless. His jaw was practically on the floor, and his eyes had turned to hearts. Lizzie giggled, then turned to Jimmy, her eyes swimming with glistening tears. "Jimmy. Tsuedero." Some subconscious part of Jimmy's mind supplied him the meaning of the foreign, yet oh-so-familiar word. Little brother. Lizzie had called him little brother, in a language that he had long forgotten. 

It all happened in a single moment. Jimmy let out an elated screech and surged forward. Lizzie started laughing as tears rolled down her face and caught him, the both of them sobbing and clutching each other tightly as if they would drift away if one let go. Joel cheered, throwing both of his hands in the air. Both fish people solidly ignored him, as they were too busy weeping over each other. 

Scott then ran in. "Is everything okay, I heard crying-" He then noticed Jimmy and Lizzie hugging on the floor, and Joel's extremely happy face. "Joel? Will you please explain what is going on here?" The human was more than happy to oblige, and before long, Scott's expression of concern softened into a gentle smile. 

Jimmy still didn't know a lot about the world, but that was okay. He had Scott. He had the Nature Wives. He had his new friend, Joel. And he had a new older sister. Life was good.

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This took way too long, turned out V E R Y long, and was mostly just lore.

Sooo... yay!! Jimmy found his big sister!!

(Yes I just wanted to write some soft fluffy Seablings what about it)

I'm aware this wasn't really super romantic, but I made sure to put as many cute moments between Jimmy and Scott as I could, as well as introducing our darling Nature Wives and the cutest hetero couple in the fandom <33

Drink water, get sleep, and vote/comment/follow if you feel like it!

Love y'all <3

- Vee

Word Count: 2048 words

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