Stars - Flower Husbands

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In my head, this is set during Limited Life, but it could honestly be Last Life or Secret Life 

(I'm fairly sure Scott's never had a base in the north corner but shh)

Art is by Subscribe to VyeOh on Tumblr

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"Jimmy, I live in the north corner of the map. There's a star...where is it? Ah, there it is. That star points north. If you follow that star, you'll find my base. If you ever need a safe space to hide, or even a bed for the night, I'll always let you in. And if I'm not home, type 'stars' in the chat, and I'll come running home." This was what Scott murmured in Jimmy's ear one quiet night. The canary laughed it off in the moment, responding with a playful tease and missing the seriousness in the cyanette's eyes. The conversation moved on and the invitation was promptly forgotten.

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Many weeks later, during a fight for his life, Jimmy recalled Scott's offer. In a momentary burst of adrenaline, the canary turned and fled, narrowly avoiding arrows loosened from enchanted bows aimed to kill. Desperation lent speed to his flight, and he outpaced the enemies snapping hungrily at his heels. Just as his heart pounded in his chest, Jimmy's thoughts raced wildly, mind filled with turmoil and doubt. What if he's lying? What if this is all a trap? What if he changed his mind and I'm no longer welcome? Yet somehow, despite the mobs and his misgivings, Jimmy arrived mostly unharmed at Scott's doorstep, with only a blast mark from a creeper explosion and a gash on his forehead from a skeleton arrow. 

When the canary reached the heavy spruce door, he still hadn't made up his mind about whether or not it was safe. He froze, and his hesitation lasted a second too long. A bold zombie got in a lucky strike, and Jimmy cried out in surprise at the sudden flare of pain. The canary turned and struck the zombie down, then gasped in horror at the sheer number of monsters shuffling, clanking, stumbling, and crawling towards him. 

His mind made up by the hoard of mobs, Jimmy banged his fist on the door, shouting to make himself heard over the cacophony of horrible sounds the creatures made. "Hello? Scott? Anyone! Let me in, please!" No answer. "Communicator," Jimmy muttered, reaching for the device while fending off an overly eager spider. /Stars!/ He sent the message and sighed in relief, feeling a little bit lighter. Help was on the way. He just had to hold out until Scott arrived. 

Looking up, the canary made eye contact with those of impassive glowing purple and a pit of dread formed in his stomach. "No," Jimmy breathed, eyes wide with horror as the enderman's mouth ripped open and unearthly shrieks filled the air. "Not you." 

- - - 

Scott was deep underground, mining for iron and hopefully diamonds, but he didn't have much hope on that front. Diamonds were a lot harder to find these days. He'd collected a lot of iron though, and gold and lapis, so all in all, he counted it a successful mission. The cyanette was just about to call it a day (or night, he's been underground too long to know) when his communicator pinged cheerfully with a direct message. "Huh. Strange. Nobody ever uses that function." Scott muttered, pulling out the communicator to check. 

It was a message from Jimmy, and he'd kept it short and simple: /Stars!/ Immediately, cold fear coiled in Scott's chest. Jimmy needed him, and if the exclamation point meant anything, Jimmy needed him now. The cyanette left his half-packed setup, furnaces, and crafting table strewn all over the place, and took off running, his worry morphing into full-blown panic. What if I don't make it in time? What if he dies before I get there? What if I'm too late? This can't be happening. Not again! Please, hang in there, Jimmy, I'm coming!

- - - 

"I hate endermen," Jimmy whispered, shakily lifting his sword for a fight he wasn't at all sure he could win. His wings, usually tucked tightly behind him, unfurled and flapped in fear, sensing that he was in mortal danger. Then enderman screeched for a second, vibrating angrily in place, then disappeared in a poof of pink and purple swirls. The unnatural shrieks didn't fade however, they only got louder. Jimmy was trembling, his body shaking in fear. His fingers failed him, and his sword slipped out of his grip, clattering to the floor. The canary felt his lungs seize up in his chest, and panic was strangling the air from his mouth. He couldn't breathe. 

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