45: To us

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That same evening

Sienna's point of view

'When will the guests arrive?', I ask Maeve.

'In like three hours, the whole grid will be there', Maeve is blowing up some balloons.

'Fuck my life'

'Come on Sienna, you love him, he loves you, things will be alright', Maeve ties the balloons together.

'I'm here! Sorry I'm late!', Luciana walks into the living room. 'What are we talking about?'

'The fight between Sienna and Lando'

'Why don't you just tell him the truth Sien? You told us', Luciana grabs a hand full of balloons and blows one up.

'That took a lot of time... and you basically forced me', I say.

'Because you were in a depression for four fucking weeks. Please don't go down that spiral again', Maeve turns towards me.

'I won't, but this is important... after all it was my fault', I feel the guilt filling my insides... I never completely got over that...

'Sienna shut the fuck up, it wasn't your fault, even Naomi herself said it', goosebumps fill my skin when Luciana mentions her name.

'But now she has cancer, she is dying', I can feel tears filling my eyes.

'Which is not your fault, look the thing that happened wasn't your fault, her getting cancer is no one's fault... especially not yours. You have to be there for her', Maeve throws her arm around me.

'I offered to pay for her medication and everything... because she's tight on money... the bank couldn't lend me any more money so I just borrowed it from Lando, I planned to give it back I swear!', tears roll out of my eyes.

'You told us already, Sienna. We believe you, but to be honest, I get Lando', Luci walks towards us and also throws her arm around me.

'I do too, I understand him but I can't tell him... I might lose him...'

'You won't Sienna, because it wasn't your fucking fault. Open your goddamn eyes, you're losing him this way', Maeve says with a certain tone in her voice.

Sometimes it's nice to have her brutal honesty, just so I can wake up from the rosy world I build around me.

'You're right... I should tell him...'

'Glad you're listening to us, now go blow up some balloons', Luci gives me a kiss on my head.

I love these girls.

Luciana's point of view

We are done decorating, we're just getting ready like teenagers right now and I'm here for it.

'So, now that we're done talking about ones heartbreak... let's talk about your... heartgain?', Maeve looks at me with her smirky smile.

'Don't even try to lie, we know it's a PR stunt, we've been here long enough. Our question is... how are you trying to fake it while you two are actually in love?', Sienna giggles.

'First of all, we're not in love, second... we had no other choice', I grab my foundation and open the cap.

'Luciana Gulia Isabella Vasseur, don't lie to your best friends', Maeve laughs.

'Okay well I'm not in love and he's not in love but... we kissed of course and you don't kiss when there are zero feelings you know... we're just... I guess we're just going with the flow'

'As you should, he's handsome, rich, and a great driver... if you don't I will', Maeve jokes.

'Look at us being cool girls', Sienna laughs.

'Yeah, we look like normal girls in their twenties', I laugh.

'Except for the fact that I am the daughter of Sebastian Vettel, I am an F1 driver for Redbull... you are the daughter and sister of Carlos Sainz and currently in a situationship with Lando Norris and you are the daughter of Frédéric Vasseur, boss/manager of Ferrari, and currently in a situationship with Charles Leclerc', Maeve states.

Sienna and I look at each other and just burst into laughter.

Maeve's point of view

I'm wearing a dark blue dress with a low cut front, there is lace all over my back.

I look really good, I'm actually satisfied with how I chose to dress.

There are already a few drivers, Oscar is talking to Sienna and Luciana is dancing with Ricciardo.

The bell rings and I walk towards the front door.

'Max! You're here!', I give him a hug.

He's wearing black jeans with a white blouse, he's looking good, it brings out his eyes.

'Of course! Maeve you look amazing!', he looks at me from my head to my toes... then his eyes stop moving... but they're not looking at my eyes...

'Max, eyes are up here', I laugh. 'You look good too! Your eyes are amazing'.

'Well I'm flattered, I brought you a bottle of Domaine Leroy', Max hands me the bottle.

'Thank you so much! But you really didn't have to, come in!'

We walk towards the kitchen and I place the bottle on the counter.

'Is he coming?', Max asks.

'I think the he your refering to is too busy handing out NDA's,' I laugh.

Max laughs too.

'Look at us, we're growing into friends', I smirk. 'You almost can't tell you hated me before'.

'Maeve, I never hated you. I hated your racing skills. You are an amazing person and I shouldn't have judged you like I did'.

Oh my gosh, that's actually... really nice.

'Well I only hated you because you hated me so I guess we're even', I open the bottle of wine and pour us two glasses.

He raises his glass.

'To us?', he asks.

'To us', I confirm.

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