22: She's nice

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Luciana's point of view.

'Thank you for inviting me, it's really sweet of you', I say while taking off my coat.

'Please princess, you'll still have to work. We're making pasta', Charles walks into the kitchen.

He has rented a house for his stay in Australia, that is because he likes to cook his own food on race days.

Which is bullshit, I know he only orders take-out on race days.

'I really can't cook, Charles'.

'Not even bolognese?', he says.

I shake my head


I shake my head


'How come you're only naming pasta's? What if I don't like pasta', I say.

'Then that would be a crime against all Italians', he laughs.

'Luckily you're not Italian', I say.

He acts like he has been hurt by my words.

'I'm Italian, just not by DNA'.

'Charles, I think DNA decides if you're Italian or not'.

'Shut it, you are Italian, why don't you know how to cook'.

'I know how to cook, just not all the pasta's. My nonna only taught me bruschetta and tiramisu'.

'Oh god, what is wrong with your nonna', his face changes immediately. 'Not like that of course!'.

'It's fine, now teach me how to make some good pasta', I take an apron and put it over my head.

'Will you tie it for me?', I ask.

His hands part my hair to the side, slowly brushing down my spine.

'Yes, my princess'.

He ties the apron and places my hair back.

'Thank you', I say.

He has all the ingredients lying on the table.

It's spaghetti, guanciale, eggs and more.

'Alright, now, my princess. First, we boil the water'.

I grab a pot and place it on the stove. 

'Sprinkle it with salt please', Charles commands.

'Yes, boss', I say.

He laughs.

I sprinkle the water lightly with salt.

'Now, we put the guanciale in the pan and we cook it'.

I do what he says, and then I give him a wink.

'This good? Mon amour?', I tease.

'Yes, princess. It is very good'.

We follow the recipe precisely.

'Taste, princess', he twirls the spaghetti around the fork and brings it to my mouth.

I don't like the feeling he's giving me.

I really... do... DON'T! I don't!

I taste it, it is amazing, so amazing that a moan escapes my mouth.

'That good huh?', Charles puts down the fork and places his body closer to mine.

He places a hand on my lower back, bringing his head closer to my neck.

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