7: She's going to be the dead of me.

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Luciana's point of view:

'Charles please behave', I ask him, he's flirting with the cleaning lady I hired.

'You jealous, princess?'. I cringe.

'Okay I will ask you some questions, they're for the fangirls, to make them drool okay? So please think careful', I tell Carlos and Charles once the maid is gone.

'Yes Ma'am,' Charles says.

'Okay, so I'm turning on the camera now, please behave,' I tell them

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The video

Ch: Hello everyone, I'm Charles Leclerc and today we're here at the Scuderia Ferrari headquarters to answer some questions

Ca: Aren't you introducing me?

Ch: Sorry mate, this is Carlos Sainz, the best teammate in the world.

Ca: Well that's nice, I appreciate that.

Lu: Alright, let's answer some questions, first one: What is your favorite color?

Ch: Ferrari Red of course

Ca: I have to agree, but otherwise I would have said dark blue or something.

Ch: you like blue lingerie mate?

Ca: I believe that's not the question

*Carlos blushes*

Lu: Charles! You can't say that

Ch: the fans will love it

Lu: I will figure it out later, go on, talk more about the colors.

Ca: I love dark blue because of the sea and the ocean. Other than because it's Ferrari colors why do you like red?

Ch: because every woman looks good in red.

Ca: I agree.

Lu: Almost over the line, next question, favorite hobby?

Ch: okay now you're just doing it on purpose princess

*Carlos laughing*

Ca: obviously driving, but if we don't count driving I also love golfing and irritating my little sister.

Ch: poor Sienna, yeah I agree definitely driving and golfing. But gaming too, I also love to go clubbing.

Lu: great answers, keep it like that, next one, what characteristics does your future partner need?

Ch: I like my woman bossy, she has to be able to defend herself, like you, Ma'am the interviewer.

*Luci blushes*

Lu: I asked you to keep it like before

Ch: you like it, your face betrayed you.

Ca: shall I leave?

*Carlos laughs*

Lu: No! Carlos sit down. Charles, start behaving or else!

Ch: I think I'm ready to face the consequences

Lu: Stop it right now, Leclerc. Okay, next question...

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