Chapter 3

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Jonathan was sitting on the giant leather chair behind his desk with a scowl. I knew it wasn't good, and my sixth sense warned me.

Or was it something else that they wanted from me? At that moment, I didn't doubt that Logan could go to any extent to ruin my life. He was blinded with hate, as he should be, after what had happened.

I cleared my throat, trying to grab the attention of the two men, "You asked to see me?" I asked Jonathan in a meek voice.

I could feel Logan's smoldering gaze fixed on me, crumbling my leftover composure.

"Yes, I am getting tired of your incompetence," Jonathan snapped.

Fisting my hands so hard that my nails dug into my flesh, I tried hard to blink away the tears that were threatening to fall out of my eyes.

"I am sorry," crushing my self-respect, I apologized for apparently no mistake of mine.

I needed this job badly, and I had no choice but to let Jonathan bully me.

"You are not efficient enough to give a presentation. Why should we allow you to work on this project?" Logan asked with a stone-hard face.

His voice was laced with menace, and his gaze was making me feel like I was something worthless.

"I will try my best..... not to repeat my mistake," my voice broke as a lump formed in my throat.

Jonathan and his minions left no chance to insult me, but coming from Logan, it stung like a snake bite.

"I promise always to love and protect you. If someone wants to hurt you they will have to go through me."

His words from the past echoed in my mind, and fresh tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. I had never imagined that Logan would hate me with such ferocity.

I gulped the lump in my throat and wiped my tears with the back of my hand. I didn't want to act weak in front of these men. But the thought of losing my job was like a knife in my gut.

"Do you want me to wait until you commit another mistake to fire you?" Logan mocked with an arched brow.

He was hurting me on purpose, indeed wanting to make me pay for betraying him.

"I think we should give Ms. Williams one more chance. She has been working in my firm for the past two years, and I am sure she wouldn't give us any chance to complain," Jonathan addressed Logan, and my eyes went wide in astonishment because he was vouching for me. His following words were a punch in the guts for me, "Am I right, Ms. Williams?" Jonathan asked with a wicked glint in his eyes.

The bastard had found another opportunity to blackmail me. First, he was alone to make my life hell; now, Logan had joined his team, and I could only imagine how difficult they would make my job.

Should I reply with a 'no'?

What about Mom? How would she survive without her medicines?


I needed to be strong for Mom. She would die without proper treatment. Drinking in my tears, I replied in a low voice, "I won't give you any chance to complain."

"All right then, the matter is settled," Jonathan grinned, flashing his stained teeth, and I wanted to puke, "you can leave Ms. Williams."

I sighed in relief, but it was short-lived. Logan's voice was enough to make my blood go cold.

"What's the rush, Jonathan?" He inquired in a deep voice, "I want a private audience with Ms. Williams," he expressed his wish to Jonathan with a commanding tone.

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