Seven- R.W

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(In which a little while after Christmas during his first year at Hogwarts, Ron Weasley writes his mum a letter about his new best friend...

PLATONIC (guys they're eleven in this one))

"And I've been meaning to tell you
I think your house is haunted
Your dad is always mad and that must be why
And I think you should come live with
Me and we can be pirates
Then you won't have to cry
Or hide in the closet"
-Seven, Taylor Swift

Dear mum,

It's Ron, but the letter said that so you obviously know that already. How's dad? And Ginny? Is she doing okay on her own? Oh yeah, and how are you too? I hope you're all ok.

School's been alright I think. Professor Snape's bloody awful as always but last week the twins filled his room with bottles and bottles of shampoo and a note saying, "being nice to your students is optional, but washing your hair shouldn't be." We all had a good laugh and Snape's been a bit more humble since then, I think. Even McGonagall didn't mind the prank this time.

Please don't put them in trouble.

I'm sorry again that I didn't come home for Christmas. I didn't want Harry to be alone-no one should be alone for Christmas! I don't think he's ever celebrated it before though. Not properly. While his family all open gifts and have loads of fun they probably make him wrap presents and clean the dinner plates then send him back to

Speaking of, even though it's a few months away do you think we could invite Harry over for the summer? Even just for some of it? I'm not sure if I can just let him be alone in that place for the whole holiday in my right mind. I've only known him for five months now, but I'm really, what's the word, concerned about him?

I think that house is haunted. The one he lives in, I mean. Not in the same way that the Black and Malfoy manors look all scary and dark on the outside because Harry says it's just a regular muggle home, but if it's as horrible as it sounds then there's got to be an evil spirit in there or something. Or maybe his Uncle's secretly a troll. Harry says he's red faced and huge so he looks like a garden gnome, but since he's always mad then he's got to be why the place sounds bloody cursed.

I wish he could just live with us. Or Hermione, even. Moines is sort of stuck-up sometimes but I think she'd make a good roommate. And her parents are dentists, whatever that means, so they could probably take care of him alright. I know we've got enough people at home ourselves, but Harry doesn't really take up any space at all. He barely came to school with anything and looked like he hadn't eaten a single thing in years. Maybe that's an exaggeration but you have to understand what I mean, mum.

We could share my room, and my clothes-I wouldn't mind. And hear me out-we could wipe his family's memories so they don't remember he was ever there. I learned about that spell from a book Hermione left open. I mean, It's not like they care about him anyway. And what does it matter where he lives as long as he's safe and, like, alive?

Just think about it. We could be a real family to him, you know? Play pirates in the yard like we all used to when we were younger, and set a spot for him at the dinner table-we could get him a spoon! Being overlooked for everyone else in the family sucks sometimes, but I wouldn't mind having another brother. Not if it were Harry.

I just don't want him to keep having to get glassy eyed at people talking about their siblings or packing their bags to go home for the Holidays. He thinks I don't notice, but I do. He's my best friend and of course I notice. If he came to live with us he wouldn't have to cry.

And you'd love him, I swear. He's respectful and funny and is the golden boy of Gryffindor so of course you'd love him. And he could answer all of dad's questions about the muggle world while we teach him about magic.

Promise me that you'll think about it? We don't have to obliviate his family if you don't want to. They're horrible people and would probably sell him on the street for three sickles, anyway-they keep him in a bloody cupboard, for godric's sake! I'm just sharing my ideas, but I guess it's obvious I haven't run them through Moines yet. Maybe we can ask nicely. Or get Dumbledore to do it. Dumbledore loves Harry too-hey, maybe Harry can live with Dumbledore at school!

I think I'd still prefer he stayed with us.

Before you think I'm being stupid or daft or unreasonable, I just want to say that I don't think it's unreasonable to want to get my best friend out of hell when I can probably do something about it. I think that's what any good friend would do, should do. Harry hasn't done anything wrong.

He doesn't deserve to live in a closet.

That's about it for now, mum. Say hi to everyone for me. Tell Gin I miss her.


The red-haired boy placed the parchment in an envelope and sent his owl off into the night.

Errol soared through the midnight sky, speeding in the wind as the raindrops began to fall. Flying over an expanse of flatland, there was nowhere immediate to take cover. Errol flapped as hard as he could, flew as fast as possible, but the storm only grew more violent.

He had to land.

He dived into the grass below and tucked the wet letter under his wing. He was too focused on his job to notice the state of the thing. Ink smudged and bled through the envelope as the owl continued on its journey to the Weasley home, returning to the sky as morning came and the storm ceased to be. Errol flew quick and steady until the house came into sight and he began to land once again.

Exhausted from his trip, Errol released the envelope onto the windowsill and flew inside to rest. The wet paper only grazed the windowsill before clumsily fluttering to the ground and settling in a puddle and disintegrating.

The letter never made it to Molly.

/*Live laugh love baby Ron*/

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