Mary- L.P

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(Yes I know this song is about Marijuana leave me be)

"Mary is the girl that leaves you to rot
She says, 'I am real and you are not'
She says, 'I am real and you are not'"
   -Mary, Alex G

The night that you realized that you loved with Lily Evans, the boy who loved her as well had finally given up on trying to ask her out.

The two of you had been friends since you met on the train to school, two muggle-borns with no proper grasp on magic, and you'd been inseparable since. You studied, ate, laughed, partied, and damn near slept together, and the two of you wouldn't have had it any other way. She made you feel safe, watched over; protected.

When Lily came to the conclusion that James no longer liked her, at the very beginning of your sixth year, she seemed awfully relieved.

"Y/n, you'll never guess what I just realized," Lily ran up to where you sat by the Black Lake and plopped down next to you.

"You're right, I won't ever guess so I hope you've got plans to tell me," you turned towards her, smiling upon hearing her voice.

"James hasn't so much as come up to speak with me in like, two weeks! I was talking to Remus about it, figured that he might just be plotting something, and he told me that-"

"That he might just be moving on." Your eyes widened as you cut her off.

"Exactly!" She laid back in the grass. "Looks like I've finally gotten all of the prats out of my life. First Severus, now James-peace at last." Lily sighed.

You laughed. "Slow down, Evans, just because he's not head over heels in love with you anymore, doesn't mean he's going to stop being a menace."

Lily sat up and instead moved her head to lay in your lap. You froze for a beat before choosing to sink your hand into her hair, playing with the locks. "I suppose you're right, y/n, but let me have this moment." She closed her eyes and smiled softly.

"...okay," you whispered. As you watched Lily hum odd tunes to herself, you caught yourself smiling despite having a quiet sadness building up in your chest. The warmth burning the walls of your stomach wasn't due to platonic, sisterly love.

No, you were in love with Lily Evans. You were in love with your very best friend. Terribly so.

You swallowed the realisation and spoke again. "It will be sort of odd, though. Over time you get used to his presence." You pretended to not be gauging her response.

Lily opened her eyes, the fierce green piercing into yours. "Maybe. But we'll live," she joked. You giggled in response.

"Yeah, we will."

"Y/n?" Lily closed her eyes relaxing with her head on her lap as the sun disappeared behind the hills, painting the sky in vibrant streaks of pink and orange.

"Yes, Lils?" You took to braiding her hair with nothing else to do with your hands.

"You know you're my very best friend, right?"

"Of course, Lily. And you're mine."

"Good. Love you." She grinned.

"I..." Your voice broke, "I love you too, Lils." The words made you feel sick to your stomach. They were true, so true. Too true.

"You okay?" Lily opened her eyes just enough to take in your face, hovering hardly a few inches above hers.

You buried your feeling deep within your chest. "I'm perfect." And she closed her eyes once again.

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