"Grim," he calls out, pulling my husband's brother up out of the chair. Silently they leave the room, leaving the three of us.

"She doesn't want anyone else, she wants me, I believe I destroyed her life," I tell them, still not turning around.

Letting go of me, Lucifer takes a step in between Harium and I, starting to pace. "It doesn't matter what the fuck she thinks, plus she's mad at me, she's getting back at me, so I'll go."

"Like Hell," I scream, on my feet, pushing a hand against his chest to keep him from continuing to move. Looking up at my husband, I hold him still. "Leave us." Our friend's footsteps retreat, the door closing behind him.

"You will not be going," Lucifer says, his voice cold as he stares at me. "You will not be going, we'll figure out what else she wants."

"She wants me, Lucifer, she's angry, she's hurt, her world flipped upside down the minute that you brought me here, her one steady thing flung her to the side," I tell him.

"I never wanted to be that for her, I only want to be that for you," he tells me, his rough hand finding my cheek softly. "I'm sorry for putting you through this."

Smiling a small smile, I softly kiss his lips, pulling back ever so slightly. "Female rage is a powerful thing and she's not the only woman who has it at the moment. I'll be completely fine."

Even thinking about everything she's done, my powers come to life, sliding over my features. Leaning back, Lucifer holds my waist, keeping us only a couple inches apart. His eyes scanned my features. "You are truly something, my Queen. A little terrifying"

I laugh at his confession, my features shifting back to normal. Doubt starts to fill my thoughts, my lips trembling ever so slightly before I shake the feelings away. "I think we need to go tell everyone else our plan," I tell him, nodding his head.

Lucifer pulls me closer, wrapping his arms tighter. "Just let me hold you for a moment."


"Then it will all be done," I tell them, finishing my plan. Lucifer gives me a smile, him furthest away from me as I tell the Inner Circle what our plan for tonight will be.

"It will work," Grim states, giving me a nod, his face unreadable as he stares at the wall behind me.

"I'll go get soldiers ready," Harium states, already flying past me and out the door.

"Thank you, Lilith," Lorenzo whispers, removing himself from Grim's hold and coming over to me. Pulling me into a huge, I relax in his touch, missing the small jokes that he would make when I first came here.

Pulling back, I wiped the tear from his cheek. "We'll get her back, I promise you that." Nodding his head, he sniffles before pulling back, going back to Grim.

As they settle into their own words, Lucifer walks around them, whispering something to Grim which he nods at before coming over to me. Settling his hand on the small of my back, he moves us out of the room.

"Where are we going?" I ask, not knowing this older section of the castle.

"The war room," he tells me, "we need to get ready for battle."

"I'm not wearing a suit of armor," I laugh, though I wholeheartedly mean it. I'm not sure what's going to happen today, a plan only ever goes so far before something doesn't go as planned.

"No, but I'm sure there are better clothes in there, and I need to make sure Harium grabbed the correct tools that we need for tonight," he tells me, his tone not playing. "My brother and Lorenzo will meet us in the city."

Placing his palm on a large door, he pushes it open, moving his other palm from the small of my back to wrap around my waist. As the door opens, I gape at the treasures that are lined against the walls, perfectly shown off.

Pointing at a smaller set of double doors in the corner, "that is where you can find clothes. I'm going to grab what I need."

Nodding my head, I stand there, only moving when he gently pushes me towards the doors. Taking my steps slowly, I look at all the weapons around me. While I joked about armor earlier, seeing a few sets lining the wall has me stopping to look.

Starting my trail again, I head straight towards the double doors, afraid of not having enough time to look at this. But Isabania needs us, we need her back, and that means moving as quickly as we can.

Pushing the door opens, I step inside, closing it behind me, lights flickering on as I move further in. The three walls in front of me are lined with different clothes, straps, smaller weapons, bags, everything you would possibly need.

Grabbing a longer black shirt, I quickly pull it on, fixing my hair into a ponytail as the turtle necks seem to tighten to my measurements. The fabric doing exactly that, standing in front of the mirror, I move to the side, watching the last bit of fabric on my back mold to my figure.

Grabbing what seem to be cargo pants from the line of hangers, I pull them on, smiling at the familiarity of the fit that I used to wear when I was a teenager. Knowing to pay attention this time, I watch as the fabric around my waist and ankles tighten to my skin. The length of the pants only tighten so much, letting my legs breathe.

Moving back towards the door, my hand touches the cold handle at the same time something glistens in my view. Turning slightly, I watch as the light hits a gold handled dagger again. My heart seems to race, as I let go of the door, going to stand in front of the knife.

Picking it up, I hiss for a second, almost dropping the knife when the gold stings my palm, before I feel it. Opening my palm, it lays there, the handle shifting, dagger reaching out longer. Curling my hand around it, I sigh as the knife sits in my hand, perfectly. It formed to fit my hand, it transformed for me.

Hearing a crash from outside the door, I quickly grab a strap, strapping it around my thigh, the knife sitting perfectly out of view between my thighs. The fabric of my pants, a very convincing curtain.

Walking out of the closet, I raise my brow at Lucifer who seems to be picking up his mess. Seeing him now changed in more flexing fabric, he gives me a boyish grin as he shoves the last couple of things behind him in effort to hide it.

"When this is all done, I promise to come in here and clean it," he tells me, as he comes to my side, taking my hand and leading me out of the room.

Walking down the hall, we head towards the front gates, Lucifer stopping us when we make it to the front doors that lead to the garden. "Lilith, promise me you will be safe," he whispers, ignoring the line of soldiers coming our way from down the hall.

"I promise, you have to do the same Lucifer, she has Hell Flower, and while we still don't know why I didn't react to it, we've seen it hurt you," I tell him. "I need you."

"I love you, Lilith," he whispers, kissing my forehead as the doors open before us, the hot wind whistling into the castle, wrapping us in a blanket, the soldiers coming to a stop behind us.

It's time.

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