~Chapter 1: A boring class and a call from Blue~

Start from the beginning

"I don't care. They'll reschedule," Said Willow sleepily. "Let's enjoy sleep now."

Croc shook Willow again.

"We have a project to do for Cricket! Wake up!"

"What project?" Said Marigold, from the other side of the cave.

"Ugh. Fine," Says Willow, as Marigold climbs back in bed.

"Let's go to the library!" Croc announces, heading out the door.

Willow clambers sleepily from her bed, following him.

Meanwhile, Marigold had fallen asleep again.

Willow and Croc reach the library, not noticing that Marigold isn't with them.

"Good morning, Tau!" Croc said cheerfully. "Got any history books?"

"Sure thing!" Tau, the librarian, said, as he walked off to get some.

Croc looked around, and finally noticed that Marigold wasn't there.

"Oh come on," he says, rolling his eyes. "Did she fall back asleep?" He says, with an even bigger eye roll.

"She's probably back in the cave," Willow said. "I'll go get her."

Back in the cave, Marigold wakes up and decides to go to the prey center.

On the way, she bumps into Willow.

"Hi Wild!" Marigold says brightly.

"Goldie!" Willow scolds. "We were supposed to be going to the library, to work on the project, not the prey center!"

Just then, Croc turns the corner, in search of Willow and Marigold.

"Drop it Willow. We can take a little break," Croc advised. "Besides, I want to hang out with Kimber. You know, the SkyWing in our winglet."

As he said that, Croc flew off, to find Kimber.

"Ok," says Willow, taking flight and following him.

"Hey, wait for me!" Shouts Marigold, running after them.

A few minutes later, Marigold arrives, panting.

"Guys, don't do that!" She complained, "You know I don't have wings yet," She said, pouting.

"Sorry," Willow and Croc said together.

Kimber looked at them, confused, but shrugs it off, turning back towards his cave.

"I was just..." Croc began, then broke off, looking around. "Where'd Kimber go?"

"I don't know," said Willow.

"I think he went back to his cave," Said Marigold, pointing.

"Oh," Said Croc, "Ok."

"At least you're gonna get powers. I already have mine, and all I can do is speak to some dumb plants," he said, glancing around to be sure no one else heard. "Also, you might be a flamesilk! That's, like, one of the coolest powers!"

"Wait, you can talk to plants!?" Marigold said, surprised. "And also, I doubt that I'm a flamesilk. I don't think my parents were."

"You know I heard that Croc," Said Willow, without turning around. "And yeah, flamesilk is really cool!!"

"It's just plant talk. Don't you remember? Sundew did like, a whole lesson about it!" Croc exclaimed.

"I wasn't listening to that! She was yelling at us as she talked, so I zoned out!" Marigold replied.

"Zoned out!?" Croc said, "This is the reason you get yelled at!!"

"That's not true! She just doesn't like me!" Marigold exclamed.

"True. She kinda hates SilkWings," Croc said.

"I don't think she HATES hates them, but like they're just not her favorite," said Willow.

"Yeah maybe..." said Marigold thoughtfully, "But she also picks on me more because I'm one of the younger ones. Everyone else our age has either already done, or is in metamorphosis."

"To be fair, she doesn't like pretty much any SilkWing, except Blue," Said Willow.

"He'S sO cHaRmInG the WaY hE tHiNkS," Said Croc, imitating Sundew.

Marigold and Willow giggled.

"She doesn't even like Luna!" Said Marigold.

"I know, and Lunas amazing!" Added Willow, "She's the one who came up with the ideas of rebuilding some of the hives, and Middle town!"

"But anyway..." Said Croc, veering way from the topic of Sundew and Luna. "I got a letter from the headmaster, summoning us. I think we should go!"

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