Part 2: Master Control

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"This is a superhuman, where 80% of the population is born with some uncanny ability. Cities swirled with chaos and confusion following the appearance of these powers a new profession was formed. We call those who fight for justice and others in need heroes. My name is Izuku Midoriya, and even though I was born without a power, fate would have that I find the Omnitrix. Now, I'm not just one hero... I'm ten of them! And counting! Now, I'm a student at UA High School, and with the help of my mentor All Might, and my best friend Ochako, I'm on my way to my destiny! This is the story of how I became the world's greatest hero!"

The scene opens with Deku and Melissa as the two of them are walking to her lab on I-Island Campus, after the incident at the pavilion.

Melissa: That's so cool! Beating Vilgax like it was nothing! Even my uncle had trouble taking him down!

Izuku: Yeah, Squidface was no match for Diamondhead! Gave him the ol' one-two and sent him packing!

Melissa: Did my uncle ever tell you about that time he fought Dr. Animo? The guy attacked a city with a giant mutant gerbil and a parakeet of all things.

Izuku: I saw videos from that fight! It was so awesome!

Melissa swipes her ID card as they enter the lab on the campus.

Melissa: Welcome to my lab! This is where the magic happens.

Izuku: Woah! So cool!

He takes a look around all of the different awards and achievements she's won.

Izuku: Man, you've won a lot of stuff. I think you might need a bigger trophy case.

Melissa: Aw it's nothing! My dad's got way more. Anyways, put your arm here. This'll let me scan the Omnitrix.

Izuku nods and puts his arm in the machine as it scans the watch and puts a complete digital replica of the device on Melissa's monitor.

Melissa: This tech is super crazy advanced! Incredible! I wonder...

She types up something on a keyboard and starts running through it.

Melissa: Interesting...

Izuku: What is it?

Melissa: There are hundreds of locked codes in this thing. "Capture mode", "Voice Command Mode", "Lifeform Lock", "SDM" Oh, definitely wouldn't wanna touch that... what's this one... "Master Control?"

Izuku: "Master Control?" Wait like giving me total access over everything in the watch?

Melissa: There's tons of code under this one...

Izuku: You think you can crack it? Having total control over the watch would be pretty sweet! No time outs, no wrong transformations...

Melissa: Are you sure you wanna try this Izuku? I mean I've never really worked with anything of this level before.

Izuku: Hey if anybody can do it, it's you. Besides, in case Malware shows his ugly mug again, it might be good to have total access to everything.

Melissa: I dunno...

Izuku: Could you at least try? Please?

Melissa: *sigh* Alright, but only cause you're Uncle All Might's student. And if something goes wrong, I'm shutting it down immediately.

Deku nods as Melissa goes back to the monitor and starts typing and she attempts to break through the codes. She goes through several failed attempts, trying her best to unlock the Master Control.

Melissa: C'mon... c'mon...

She keeps trying to break through until finally, she tries something that works.

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