Thirli's eyes widened in concern, realizing the gravity of Daemon's situation. "Is there anything I can do to help?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern for her friend.

Daemon shook his head slightly, his expression troubled. "Not this time, Thirli. I must handle this on my own."

Thirli nodded understandingly, though worry creased her brow. "Be careful, Daemon," she urged softly. "And remember, you always have a place here with us."

Daemon managed a small, grateful smile before his expression turned grim once more. "There's something else," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "If I don't get my wife pregnant soon, my brother will dismiss me from my position."

Thirli's heart sank at Daemon's revelation, realizing the weight of the expectations placed upon him. He had no freedom. "I'm so sorry, Daemon," she murmured, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "We will find a way to help you through this, I promise. But for tonight be free... Be with me..."

With a heavy sigh, Daemon nodded, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thirli," he whispered. "You are the first woman I ever loved. What kind of a man I would be if I ran from you."

As they parted ways, Thirli couldn't shake the worry that gnawed at her heart, vowing to do whatever she could to put an end to his hurt. So she stopped and yelled after him, "Daemon..."

And he stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around, "I want you to see something..." She said softly and rushed to pull his hand in the other direction.

As the sun began its descent behind the mountains, casting a warm glow across the land, Thirli took Daemon's hand, leading him. Her clothing was simple, a scant covering that revealed the raw beauty of her form. Barefoot, she moved with an inherent grace, her hair dancing in the breeze.

Daemon couldn't help but be captivated by her authenticity, a beauty untouched by conventional standards.

In the fading light, he saw her as she truly was, a vision of strength and grace.

This led him to a serene shore nearby, where the waves whispered against the sand. The view of the sunset from this vantage point surpassed anything Daemon had witnessed before. The sky painted in hues of orange and pink reflected on the water, creating a breathtaking sight.

Thirli walked slowly towards him and took his hands slowly walking backward into the sea while gazing into his eyes, "I thought... You might see this before you surround yourself with the stone walls once again..."

"You surprise me every time you open your mouth... I must admit..." Daemon said as he watched her slowly get into the water but he stopped.

"What is it?" Thirli asked smiling softly.

"I can't go back to Laena... Thirli... It is you that I want..." Daemon said angrily and Thirli chuckled.

Silently, they stood together, absorbed in the beauty unfolding before them. Thirli's presence was a soothing force, and as the sun dipped below the horizon, she turned to Daemon with a gentle smile, her eyes reflecting the colors of the fading day.

In that moment, surrounded by nature's raw beauty, Daemon felt a connection that made the chaos of his responsibilities fall off his shoulders. Thirli's unassuming beauty and the serenity of the sunset offered a brief respite from the challenges that awaited him at home. Is this how she truly lives is this how freedom tastes?

In the fading light, as the colors of the sunset painted the sky, Daemon turned to Thirli, a determination in his gaze. "Thirli, you are the woman I want to wed," he confessed, his voice carrying a mix of sincerity and longing.

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