A Minor Hiccup With Painting the Town

Start from the beginning

Megatron: You do what? Now!

(I aim my cannon at him)

Sun: Trees. Trees. all the time! So, are we finally getting back at that Torchwick guy?

Blake: We are going to investigate the situation... as a team.

Ruby: Sorry, Sun. We don't want to get friends involved if we don't have to.

Megatron: Then why am I here?

(Ruby think but has nothing to say)

Sun: That's dumb! We should always get friends involved! That's why I brought Neptune!

(gesturing out the window)

(They lean out the window on top of to see the aforementioned teammate of Sun's standing outside, cool as can be)

Neptune: 'Sup?

Ruby: How did you even get up here?

Megatron: And why they have a door.

Neptune: I have my reasons and my ways.

(He stands on a very thin ledge circling the building under the windows)

Neptune: (nervously) Seriously, though, can I come in? We're like, really high up right now.

(Megatron just reached out and grab his arm and hold on our the window like a rage doll and then bring him in on his feet)

Neptune: thank man your pretty cool.

(Inside the dorm room, the group are standing in a circle as Ruby lays down the new plan)

Ruby: Alright, I'll go with Weiss; Sun, you can go with Blake and Megatron.

(As she pushes Neptune past Weiss, he slips her a wink. Weiss looks mildly shocked but then comes to her senses quickly.)

Ruby: And Neptune, you can go with Yang since she doesn't have a partner. Everyone good?

Weiss: Actually, Ruby, why don't you go with Yang? After all, she is your sister.

(Ruby pushed Neptune, who is stiff as a board, up next to yang. When she is done pushing him, he rocks back and fourth looking nervous. Yang put her hand on his shoulder to stop him from rocking)

Ruby: But, Weiss, who would go with you, then?

Weiss: Well... I guess Neptune could come with me.

(Neptune puts on a suave look and points at Weiss as the team leader cracks up.)

Ruby: Hahaha, nah!

(Weiss is obviously less than amused, yet is powerless to stop Ruby from pulling her by the back out the door)

Weiss: (Weiss sticks her arms out fruitlessly trying to get back to Neptune.) But! But!

(The scene changes to that of a monumental tower that looms over the sparse trees growing around the crossroads below)

(We watch as ruby and Weiss leave and so after that we follow and head to the garage of becan  and I open my garage with my key to show my bike)

Sun: aw dud nice bike

Megatron: Thank you. Now the both of you hop on Blake you said you may know where their hide outs are?

Blake: Yes

(I then hop on my bike and soon Blake and sun)

Megatron: Go now let's roll out!

(We start to head out going to different locations all around the city till we stop at another one where Blake fingers trace three scratch marks on a wall)

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