Blake: So then they're very misguided. Either way, it doesn't explain why they would rob a Dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale!

Ruby: Hmm... Blake's got a point. Besides, the police never caught that Torchwick guy I ran into a few months ago... Maybe it was him.

Megatron: something big is happening hear?

Weiss: That still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang are a bunch of scum. Those Faunus only know how to lie, cheat, and steal.

Megatron: well What about some of the Faunus in are class? You can't judge a hole species by their looks.

Sailor 1: (off-screen) Hey, stop that Faunus!

(As they overhears the cry for help and rush over to investigate, a Faunus with a monkey tail named Sun is seen running down the length of the boat and leaping on to the edge as the two sailors are about to apprehend him)

Sun: (looking back at his pursuers) Thanks for the ride, guys! Haha!
(he jumps off and hits the dock running)

Sailor 2: You no-good stowaway!

(He using his tail to hang on a lamppost while he peels back a banana)

Sun: Hey! A no-good stowaway would've been caught! I'm a great stowaway!

(before he eats, one of the detectives down below throws a stone at him to get his attention)

Detective 1: Hey! Get down from there this instant!

(Sun drops the banana peel on the detective's face, who growls in return. The monkey-like Faunus twirls up to crouch on the lamppost, laughs in amusement, and proceeds to leap off and run away from the detectives. As he runs past Team RWBY, he winks at an astonished Blake in slow motion before time speeds up again and he continues to be chased by the officers)

Yang: Well, Weiss, you wanted to see the competition, and there it goes.

Megatron: so what do you think?

Weiss: Quick! We have to observe him!

(I just roll my eyes)

Megatron: should we follow or go do something else?

Blake: I guess let's fallow.

(Weiss, Yang, and Ruby give chase. Blake and Megatron soon start to fallow. The group rounds the next corner, but then Weiss bumps into someone and trips. She looks up only to see Sun jump on to a building and disappear from her view)

Weiss: No, he got away!

Yang: Uhh... Weiss?

(she points strangely at the girl underneath her teammate Weiss finally sees that she fell on a smiling girl, which startles the heiress and she hastily gets up)

Penny: Sal-u-ta-tions!

Ruby: Um... hello.

Megatron: Are you... okay?

Penny: I'm wonderful! Thank you for asking.

Yang: Do you... wanna get up?

Penny: My name is Penny! It's a pleasure to meet you!

Ruby: Hi Penny. I'm Ruby.

Weiss: I'm Weiss.

Blake: Blake.

Megatron: Megatron.

Yang: Are you sure you didn't hit your head? (Megatron hits her side) Oh, I'm Yang.

Penny: It's a pleasure to meet you!

Weiss: You already said that.

Penny: So I did!

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