Chapter One

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Savannah has three cows and they are her bestest friends.

She sings to them, reads, dances and loves them so much. Savannah does everything with her cows.

Savannah takes very well of her cows. There's Daisy, Finn and DeeDee.

It was a rainy day. She goes out to take care of her cows. Savannah runs slides and falls in the mud. She started laughing.

She lays in the mud and just thinks "life is so great!" She gets up and starts taking care of her cows. She loves her cows.

She loves having music on while she taking care of her cows. She started dancing. The cows started jumping around in the mud and dancing with her. She said to the cows "Enough playing. Time to get chores done and you guys in the barn out of the rain."

Savannah loves taking care of her responsibilities. It's her favorite part of the whole entire day. Her parents taught her well about responsibilities, growing up as a farm girl. Savannah knows how to take care of herself.

When she was younger her parents had a farm and that's what made her fall in love with cows. She's 20 now and has her own farmland. Her parents still teach her the ropes of farming when she needs the help, though.

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