Wait, it's early July now, the exam results are out but acceptance letters haven't been sent yet.

The director breathed a sigh of relief. Based on Jiang Han and the others' reactions, Song Anan must have done very well on the exam, otherwise they wouldn't be so confident.

"I took the college entrance exam two years ago," Song Anan waved the book in her hand, "I'll be starting my third year this fall."

So she's going to be a doctor in the future.

Director/Crew: !!!

【What?! But isn't Song Anan only 17? If she's starting her third year, doesn't that mean she got into college at 15?!!】

【Holy crap! I'm 17 this year and only starting high school. Did the little auntie start school super early?】

【Kids usually start elementary school at 5-7, then 6 years of elementary, 3 of middle school, 3 of high school. So for Song Anan's case, she must have started early AND skipped grades】

【I can't believe the little auntie is studying medicine! No wonder she was so skilled at resetting bones yesterday - she's got professional training!】

【Medical students don't necessarily know how to set bones, depends on the specialty. But in any case, Song Anan is clearly very accomplished】

【What's the big deal, probably some third-rate school. If she really went to some super prestigious university, why wouldn't Song Anan reveal the name?】

【Right, not all colleges are equal. If you've really got the goods, why be shady about it? Probably because if she names it, we would have never even heard of it】

The director could guess what was up from Jiang Han and the others' composed reaction.

Based on their confidence, Song Anan's university must be quite reputable.

"Little auntie, can you reveal which university you attend?" the director asked.

Song Anan nodded.

But before she could respond, Song Linchuan proudly interjected, "My little auntie is a student at University B, majoring in Clinical Medicine."

Even though the director was mentally prepared, hearing "

Chapter 12

Song Linchuan's decision left Jiang Han a little surprised at first, but he soon accepted it.

Filing a lawsuit, so be it. After all, the rumors about Song An'an were mostly spread by Song Linchuan's antifans. This would be a good chance to give those antifans a warning.

Song Anan's reputation as a bookworm was well-deserved. She was completely focused on the book in her hands, not lifting her head once as she turned page after page.

After some time, as if tired from reading, she lifted her arms to stretch and glanced at the clock on the wall, startled to find it was already 11:30.

She didn't realize she had been reading for so long.

Seeing that Song Linchuan wasn't at his seat, Song Anan closed her book, got up, and was about to go look for him when she saw him and Jiang Han walking over from the direction of the study.

"Auntie, were you looking for me?" Song Linchuan asked.

Song Anan nodded. "Yeah, I saw it was about time for lunch and wanted to ask what we should eat."

She had always had a good appetite, and reading made her hungry faster, so she was quite hungry now.

When Jiang Han heard this, he was about to ask what the two wanted to eat so he could order some takeout.

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