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Chapter 11

What's going on?

Didn't you say you were going to study? Why are you reading Anatomy and Physiology?

The on-site program crew looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously not knowing what Song Anan was up to.

The audience in the live studio exploded.

【OMG! Song Anan is pretending too hard here. That's not how you rebuild your image】

【What? Is Song Anan addicted to her nerd image? Can she really understand professional books like Anatomy and Physiology?】

【Is it possible that this is just her hobby and interest? There's nothing wrong with liking medical books, right?】

【Humph, you like medical books? Then why don't you take the exam for medical school instead of joining the entertainment industry and participating in these shows?】

【You think it's easy to get into medical school? She's in the entertainment industry because her grades weren't good enough for medical school】

【You guys need to mind your own business. The little auntie can read whatever books she wants, it's none of your concern. Go eat your carrots and stop meddling】

【I'm speechless. Those shouting that the little auntie should stay out of the entertainment industry if she's able - are you jealous? Or is it just sour grapes?】

【Speaking of which, Song Anan has really surprised me. She looks so gentle and well-behaved, but is actually fierce and capable, capturing two big guys bare-handed and resetting their arms with ease. And now she's reading Anatomy and Physiology...】

【Who isn't surprised? From the livestream these two days, I get the feeling the little auntie has a lot more to her than meets the eye】

The fans and antis in the live chat were arguing intensely. But for most of the audience, their attention remained fixed on Song Anan - specifically, what she would say next, and how the Anatomy book was related to those online rumors, if at all.

However, Song Anan's next actions caught everyone off guard. She simply opened the textbook and started reading intently.

Audience/Crew: "..."

She's actually just reading the book?

Isn't she going to take this chance to explain anything?

The director looked puzzledly at Jiang Han. But seeing his unconcerned expression, a thought suddenly occurred to him.

He turned to Song Anan and tentatively asked, "Little auntie, are you planning to become a doctor?"

Hearing the director's question, Song Anan slowly lifted her gaze from the book: "Yes, I'm going to be a doctor."

She said she's going to be a doctor.

The director was taken aback for a moment. On the surface it was a simple statement, but it carried deeper implications.

"So you're planning to take the medical school exam when you apply for college?" the director asked.

Song Anan nodded slightly, but mid-nod she changed her mind and shook her head.

"I'm already enrolled in university," Song Anan said matter-of-factly.

Everyone: ???


She's already in university!

Didn't she just turn 17? Even if she started school early, she could have taken the college entrance exam this year.

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