Chapter 58: Paranoid

Beginne am Anfang

"I'm sorry... that's not intentional and I know you care... but I have my needs too. After I hit 4 months you stopped being intimate with me. And Im pregnant but im not fucking disabled so yes I want some action going on...because soon we won't be able to do a damn thing" she admitted. She couldn't lie this was one of the hardest conversations they've had in a while she started to feel like she was begging.

"This conversation is dumb," he said

"Thanks, now I feel like I'm over here begging for your attention," she said. Ricky pulled her by her waist. "I love you....but I never want to have this conversation again. Okay so I haven't been in the mood lately that doesn't mean Im cheating on you-

"I didn't say you did-

"Im offended that you think that I can't handle myself. You think Im some dog ass nigga like I ain't make changes or grow. Everybody loves reminding me of who I was but the fact it feels like it's coming from you.. that's fucked up and now you're mad at me because I'm defending you. That's all I ever do is defend you.. but who's defending me?

"I am, I cussed him out. I was defending you just weren't around. That's not fair... I didn't even say that you were" Josie's voice cracked she hated that they were arguing over Erica's messy friend.

"Then why are we having this damn conversation huh? He asked

"You can't see it from my perspective at all. Im pregnant, my hormones are all over the place and there are women around you all the time" she added

"That's a you problem" he said

"Um no it's our problem, don't make it seem like I'm insecure cuz let a man be in my direction for too long and you're sweating" she scoffed

"So where were you two doing in Soho? Josie asked

"We came from a meeting and grabbed some food, that's the day I brought your food back home" he answered

".... okay," she said

"So what you want me to do fire Yasmin? He asked

"Huh? What are you talking about? She asked

"Cuz it ain't about the women in my vicinity it's the fact that I have an assistant.. let's be real," he said.

"Im not that insecure I would never take money out of another woman's mouth.. but you are going hard for her so if that's what you wanna do then"

"See, it's that statement right there," he said

"Fire her don't fire her. I don't care the problem was never her" she said

"Then what's the damn problem"

"I don't know this is too much... were just talking in circles," she said beginning to cry.

"When you figure it out, let me know," he said putting on his normal clothes. "You figure it out cuz Im not going to explain my character this entire marriage" he said

"I never would want you to feel like that. You're blowing this whole thing out of proportion" she said

"At the end of the day you should know me by now," he said. "Don't wait up" he said

Josie sucked her teeth watching him leave again. She received a text from Raymond saying that he was on his way to drop off Jace.

The Next Day

The family smiled watching Ms.Monica ring the bell at the treatment center her battle with cancer was finally over. "Yayyyy go mama" Kamaya cheered. Josie clapped getting emotional thinking about her dad and the rollercoaster it's been with him. She's so happy Ms. Monica is healed and in good spirits, She was so scared she wouldn't be alive to see her grandbaby, which worried her to death.

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