Part Six: Hide Away Safely

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Miles spent about 45 minutes looking throughout the apartment for things that would be useful to him. It made sense for Adrian to give him something to help escape, but where would he go from there? Was he supposed to meet them? If so, Adrian definitely didn't tell him where. After looking around for any clues that Adrian might have left, which took another 15 minutes, Miles finally found his phone. He set it in the backpack they'd found thinking he'd reach Jade or Adrian through Jade's phone. It was smart for her to have put it in the pocket of her shorts. He was hoping that it wasn't damaged after everything Jade went through. But what he was really hoping was if he did end up calling, that at least someone would answer. It would be good news if either Jade or Adrian picked it up, or even both of them.

But Miles wouldn't accept no answer. Miles shook the thoughts away and focused on his escape once more. He slowly creeped up the stairs as he kept his eyes on the lookout for anything. He approached the front door with caution. He counted to three before swinging the door open and rushing out the door. He had a plan... He would walk to the motel and, once he was safe, call Jade's phone. He would tell the two, whoever answered the phone, to meet him there. He would tell them the room number and to call before they got there so he knew when to unlock the door. It seemed like a good plan, so he began walking. He used his phone to look up the directions and it was only a few miles away. It wasn't long before he got to the motel and got a room. His hands were shaky as he picked up his phone.

He remembered the night before, with Jade. He took a deep breath in and out, like she had taught him so long ago. He clicked the call button and slowly hovered his finger over Jade's contact. He counted to three. He crossed his fingers as he tapped Jade's contact. The phone ran four times before Miles heard a voice. A: "Uh, hello?"


It took some effort for Adrian to get Jade's body in her car, but he managed to do it with care as well as in the span of 20 minutes. At first, he had no idea what to do once he got in the driver's seat and turned the key to start the car. But he couldn't give up. He had to figure out a way to help Jade with her wounds without taking her to any medical center. He barely even knew why she was always against the idea since she never told him much about it. Maybe she had a bad history with hospitals. Or maybe she didn't have insurance. But would either really matter when it came down to her life? Adrian still wanted to keep to her wishes, so he took her to the only place he could think of...

An old, hidden, and very much abandoned stash house in which his brother had shown him when he first joined Brooke and his friends. On his way there, he was interrupted by a phone ringing. He knew it wasn't his, so he pulled over and looked everywhere for the ringing sound. He found Jade's phone in her pocket. It was Miles' contact. Last time he checked, Brooke had taken both of their phones. Maybe Miles got his back like Jade has hers... Adrian answered the phone, nervous. A: "Uh, hello?" M: "A-Adrian?!" He knew it wasn't Brooke's voice and sighed in relief. A: "Yeah, Miles. It's me. I assume you've escaped?" M: "Yeah, I did. Y-You know why I'm calling, right?" Adrian looked down at Jade.

For once, her brows weren't furrowed like when she's sleeping. She looked peaceful and calm. Only because she was unconscious. Adrian shivered. A: "Yes, I found her. She's unconscious, but she's breathing. She looks pretty bad, damn... It... It hurts to look at her." There was a pause on Miles' side of the line. M: "I know. Look, I've made my way back to the same motel we stayed at. Once you get her to wake up and she's okay, meet me back here. You promised that she'd be okay and I want proof. Plus... I miss her." Adrian chuckled. A: "It's been less than 24 hours since you've seen her, and you miss her already?" Miles stayed silent, but Adrian already realized what was going on... M: "Yes, of course I do. I'm worried too. So tell her to call me as soon as she wakes up."

A: "I will, if you answer one question. Honestly." Miles paused again. M: "Fine. What's the question?" A: "Were you ever planning on telling Jade how you feel about her?" Miles' breath went uneven. M: "I-I don't know what you are talking about. J-Jade and I have been friends for years." Adrian laughed again. A: "I guess you don't wanna talk to her if you're not being honest... Bye-" M: "-Wait!" Miles grunted in frustration and muttered something to himself. M: "I-I don't think I could ever tell her. I mean, how could I? We've been really close friends for so long... What if she doesn't feel the same? O-Or what if I ruin what we have now? I-I could never hurt her the way you did... No offense." Adrian was amused by the conversation, he chuckled.

A: "No offense taken. You wanna know what I think? I think you'd be good for her. Better than I ever was, anyway." Miles was surprised about the sudden honesty. And the fact that Adrian just admitted he wants Miles to be with Jade. M: "You're being serious, right? God, I hope you're not messing with me." A: "No, no, I really mean it. Believe it or not, I want what's best for Jade. That's why I have her here with me." M: "Right... Where is 'here' exactly? Are you nearby? I wanna see her." A: "Ah, sorry. I can't tell you that. For Jade's safety. But don't worry, where we are, there's plenty of medical supplies. I'm almost there, actually. Call you when she wakes up." Adrian hung up the phone before Miles could protest.

Adrian was glad he got the answer to his question though. Now that Adrian knew for sure that Miles had feelings for Jade, he knew that he couldn't interfere. So Adrian made up his mind. He would not catch feelings for Jade once more. He'd have to let her go. Just after he wakes her up and helps her with her wounds. Then he'd bring her to the guy she should be with. And then, Adrian would never speak to or see her again. Simple and easy, right? If only it were true.

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